Faces, a question

I gone to bed and I stood up with this question, thought, so I write it down.

I can poorly remember faces,
If I saw them once.
I was not good at it my whole life.
It perhaps worsen since I live as a hermit.
No problems with that.

But I was highly irritatet when I saw a person I know with a different face of a person I know.

I was lucky that I don’t shoutet out the wrong name.

The strangest thing ( I know this sounds very weird ) was that I saw a blackbird with the young face of a long ago died person that I knowed for many years.
Everytime I saw that bird.

I haven’t had that now for years, just remembering.

Could somebody tell about that ?
Had someone the same experience ?

Thank you

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I had this experience when I was on my episodes. I then believed people can change faces but you always see a bit out of the original face. What explained why I thought to see somebody else.

It’s still happening once in a while. Can get rid of it.

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Okay, at that time i’ve tapered my AP’s down, sounds logical

Yes when I see similar faces I believe there is some blood line connection between those people!

Living a whole different life’s !!
Something I feel like to take the picture and show it to the actual person.

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Never getting bored, I like that too

There is a condition called face blindness that maybe can explain it.

Face blindness, a mystifying condition that can trick us into believing we recognize people we’ve never met or make us fail to recognize those we have, has been previously estimated to affect between 2 and 2.5 percent of people in the world.


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"Prosopagnosia can also affect individuals on the autism spectrum ", so there is a context, thanks @Mr_Hope !

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Do you need to check your eye sight for mayopiya.

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I have glasses, they won’t bring them back, no finches, no blackbirds no robin, all are lost, left are the titties and sparrows and a very busy wren

Time for big birds

Sometimes i think this is the way some communicate -

I cutted my hair and forgot it, sat outside

A woodpecker in the tree

With blond long hair on top of her head

Fallen over the eye whilst make a pock on the bough

It took a while


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