
I’m thinking of making a facebook just to spy on my ex, how ridiculous is that! Idk, anyone think joining Facebook is worth it? (Not just to spy on him)

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Probably not a healthy thing for your mental well being - usually you want to move on. But if you do be prepared to feel good and bad emotions or none depending on the content.


I recently opened a Facebook account to try to contact a few old acquaintances after being off it for years. No idea if I am going to leave it up long term or not. Have not friended anyone on it. I am not a huge fan of Facebook. Too much drama when you have friends and extended family on it. My mom is constantly bringing up drama that is started on Facebook. Arguments between family and friends and whatnot…so I dunno.

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Yeah I’m probably not going to do it, I don’t really want my business all over the internet anyways, and I always have the site if I need to talk

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FB trend got stuck to whatapp as well.

Its just some thing I cant put up with.

I think that is not called socializing, its called onlizing.

I like to onlize here being anonime :crazy_face:

I find Facebook is overwhelming and takes you down rabbit holes.

Also social media anxiety is real. I can’t even do instagram.


I am on FB, and to be honest I only use it for Sci-fi news

I like facebook for keeping up with friends especially those overseas I never see. It’s also good for chatting with people on messenger and that is handy because I can voice/ text chat people overseas and it’s awesome.

Don’t do it to spy on people. That just sets you up for a fall. If you want to try and connect with people then it’s a handy tool if you use it healthily.


Imo I think it depends on what your friends use. My friends use Whatsapp so I don’t use facebook for years.

Regarding my former college mates, most of them use instagram and this forum helped exposed myself on instagram, I think of it as wheelies for my instagram profile.

was he husband or boyfriend?

I would say, Do it, cuz everybody does, irregardless.

I deleted my Facebook quite some time ago and don’t regret it. Nothing on there for me.

I just use messenger and whatsapp. Rarely I use Google Duo.

just deleted facebook and twitter today…then somehow thru email or something my new phone added like 20 old numbers so Im reminded of all these people I forgot about or lost touch with. one person is talking to me …

I enjoy keeping up with friends and family (NOT MY WIFE’S) on FB. It is a pleasant distraction.

Stalking people is wrong - just don’t.

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