I ran out of Saphris. No 8 pm dose. It usually puts me to sleep by about 9 pm. No Sapris = no sleepy.
Also lately I’ve been waking up at about 1 am. Just no one reason in particular except I notice a light sort of flipping on in my head. This gives me only 4 hours sleep. Of course I take naps in the day to compensate.
But tonight I’m wondering if I will just stay awake til 1 am and if I do what will happen at that magical hour? I wonder if I will feel that light switch on? Or if i get tired at 12 pm and go to bed will I then sleep past 1 am or still wake up?
It’s all very exciting. lol I really need to get out more often.
When I tried saphris my doctor specifically gave it to me at night and said it could help w my sleep.
Also the waking up at a specific time thing is fairly common. What happens is, one day, you wake up randomly. You check the time. Your brain makes a note and says oh we should wake up at this time. You then continue waking up at this time. You can fix this by stopping checking the time when you wake up.
Or, it can also be a circadian rhythm thing like for example I tend to wake up clockwork 3 hrs or so after I first fall asleep and then for like every 2 hours after that. If you go to bed at the same time, then it would appear as though you were magically waking at the same time every night. In reality it’s just your body clock and if you changed your bedtime you would still wake up every x hours but it would be different times.
why would you be waking up every 2 or 3 hours? I never have done that before. Usually I fall asleep and stay that way for 8 to 10 hours. I don’t wake up. That seems weird to me.
And when you say stop checking the clock do you mean at all, because I only check the clock in the kitchen once I’m already up and about. I don’t have a clock that I can see in my bedroom.
and its not always at 1 its just in the general vicinity