Experiences with Clozaril?

My doctor is seriously considering switching me to Clozaril. I was actually on Clozaril when I was inpatient earlier this year, but I quit it for some reasons. I’m now taking 12mg Invega and 400mg Seroquel as my antipsychotics, but I’m still experiencing paranoia, the feeling of being watched, a voice talking to me (more like commanding me), and a lot of anxiety. My doctor was pretty much, “either you get better or you’re back in the hospital,” and I don’t want that as I’ve been inpatient twice this year over psychosis.
So, about Clozaril…I heard it makes you gain a lot of weight? I already gained enough and I really don’t think I can handle more. What else can you tell me about it from your experience?

Why did you quit?

If u start taking clozapine u need to have ur blood tested every month…!!! better talk to ur pdoc…!!

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the weight wasn’t aproblem for me. but on the positive at has helped me a bit…better than other meds

Been on clozaril 12 years
It hasn’t made all my dreams come true
I can’t be on high dose be cause doctor say risk of fits
I still get what they call breakthrough symptoms around weekly . It has improved but very slow
I am fattest on this medication
Everyone is different and some people have a better response. Good luck you’ll need it

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Hey @shellys12 how many times in a year do u test ur blood…!!! people say colzapine reduces our white blooded cell count in our system is that True …!!

Once a month get blood test
They say that if you get the green light for three months you should be safe but they keep testing just as a rule
Some people get allergic reaction I am one of the ones not allergic

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I didnt have a good time on clozapine. Took it from 2004 - 2005 and it gave me horrible side effects like drooling every night and weight gain and I slept about 15 hours a day. Don’t know about helping my symptoms, the side effects overshadowed that. Had to go for blood tests regularly too. I heard it’s a good med for treatment resistant people but I couldn’t stick it out long enough and switched to risperdal which helped me better.
It’s different for everyone though so do try it if you think it will help but be careful and follow instructions of your pdoc.
Good luck!

Thanks for the replies everyone, I appreciate it. I’m mostly concerned with gaining any more weight than I already have, and also the possibility of developing diabetes. Thus far, no antipsychotic has proven to be the best for me, as I still have residual symptoms. But since I’ve become used to these symptoms, perhaps I can just live with them and avoid the weight gain.

The reason why I quit Clozaril the firs time around was because my appointment with my doctor was not for a few weeks after I was discharged and Clozaril requires weekly blood tests to stay on it.

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Weekly blood tests for the first month or two, then monthly blood tests after that. You’re misleading people by saying you need weekly blood tests forever. It’s not that much worse than Lithium as far as the testing.

I had a unique experience with Clozaril. I’ve never heard of it doing this to anyone else. It totally destroyed my sense of balance, I mean like barely able to stand and in serious danger of doing a nose dive into the carpet. I don’t want that drug anywhere near me.

I had weekly blood tests for about 4 months.

what after 4 month …did u changed ur medicine …???

Agranulocytosis is real and can be deadly. I’m in the small subset of people who had his immune system wiped out. Nearly dying from pneumonia and still having mildly impaired respiratory function from it to this day SUCKS. This is what happened to me when I decided I knew more than my doctor did and skipped tests. Now I do what my doctor asks me to.

I only have tests monthly now
When first put on drug you test weekly


Yes few member said they exam their blood monthly …!!!

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No, I got angry at the quality of my life and quit taking meds. I was a zombie and still depressed. I had gained 50lbs in that 4 month period. Drooling and constipated. I had a very good 6 months med-free until I ended up in the hospital again and finally diagnosed sza. Although I’m starting to think my problem is just depression with psychosis. I’ve been medicated ever since.

No one ever said to skip tests. Seriously.

Clozaril has helped me alot, it is the only AP that has ever done anything for me. I was a non-responder to the other meds in which case Clozaril usually works. The side effects were mild compared to the other drugs, Zyprexa made me so ill I can never take it again and it didn’t help me at all anyway.


This stuff is garbage. Don’t waste your time, and put your health at risk. Run!