Experience with CBD?

My doctor recommends that I try cbd. I’m not sure how much it would help. Could you guys tell me your experience? Supposedly it’s a good antipsychotic.

I looked at the price tag and then looked at the size of the dose that is supposedly needed to work and then looked at my bank account balance and realized the three didn’t line up. Maybe in the future when the price drops by 9000%.


Yah I agree with @shutterbug you need really high doses for it to work as an antipsychotic. One study I read required like 800mg a day. It works well for my anxiety and sleep though.

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Yes it’s expensive. The lower strengths even are and don’t seem worth buying. My doc just raves about it like it’s liquid gold.

I like it but can’t afford it. I bought a bottle of 500mg for pain and anxiety. It was mildly working st that level. My husband bought a sublingual dose for $15 and it took away his oain and elevated his mood but for 1ml of 1000mg stuff it is just too much.

I tried it for months and it never helped with any of my symptoms.

It helped with some back pain and if you take enough it’ll make you sleepy, so that’s helpful on some nights,

But that aside, it didn’t help.

Not with anything that mattered.

I think some people may get a placebo effect from it which is nice, I guess.

Really, I think its an expensive snake oil.

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I’ve been wanting to try it, but it’s not legal in my state and my pdoc doesn’t want me on it. I’ve almost bought some online anyway…

Asked mine and her advice was to run screaming in the other direction. I think that’s what they call a “hard pass”.

I just wanted to replace the ativan I’m on with CBD, but she still said no. No way would I want to replace my AP with CBD

I just asked about possibly trying it as a supplement in addition to APs if/when price ever comes down. I think the convo went something like this:

Me: So you don’t think it’s a good idea?
Pdoc: I think anyone with SZ who takes that crap is insane until more research is done.
Me: Of course I’m insane, I hear voices, remember?
Pdoc: Okay, granted, more insane than usual. I could have worded that better.
Me: Maybe YOU need the CBD.


I’ve been taking low dose CBD for years now: 15 mg per day. It helps with my anxiety and osteoarthritis pain. It doesn’t cover my anxiety for the whole day though. Just for the morning. I have to take Klonipin for the second half of the day. It’s not as expensive at the low dose. I don’t expect it to work on any psychosis.

My former pdoc didn’t want me taking it. I’m ignoring him. It doesn’t make me psychotic.