Existence Validation

Here is my latest piece of art that I wrote and composed myself.

I really enjoyed making this one.

Give it a listen, if you want…

@anon31960475 Check it out! What do you think?


Hey @StarCrazy How is my guitar and song writing improving? :slight_smile:

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I have never heard your work.

I am impressed. I can say this song I’d put on playlist.

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I started learning to play guitar ion jan 14th! Sorry for showing off… :blush:

Glad you liked it @Kxev

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Which year tho? :thinking:

You the man. I liked it


“There is no self” is another great song.

Your tracks sounds raw like a demo tape or live NPR recording, and I like them so far.

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You have a good ear for harmony. Thats an extremely complicated chord scheme and its really interesting it just came to you. The guitar playing is much more in time on this. I like the reverb you used for it. And I like the words you sing they’re very interesting. “am i a chooser” is a good line. You’re a natural.

My harsh criticisms would be occasionally it feels like you are singing slightly out of time and there is sometimes background noise in your vocal track you could edit out quite easily. If you dubbed in the lines that fall out of time and got rid of the noise it would sound a lot cleaner.

This one is just my tastes so you don’t have to agree. In terms of mixing I would not pan the lead vocals if it were up to me. If it sounds okay to you then ignore me but it is ends up unbalancing the sound to me. Mostly you always want your main vocals centred.

What you could do is keep the guitar part on the right exactly how it is and record another guitar part that plays high up the neck on the top 3 strings and pan it left. Like it could just be the chords again but in a different position and with a much more simple rhythm and pan that left - keep vocals centre and your rhythm guitar right.

But yeah if you keep improving like this Im sure you will figure it out yourself lol.
Do you like bands like Spiritualised? Thats what this reminds me of.

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I had this in my head this morning btw Labrat!
Well done again

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Cheers @StarCrazy

It does need clearing up which i will do later this week, so your critique was valid.

It is good fun playing the guitar.

What do you think of my new one that i did today?

Another creative tune - Creativity - Schizophrenia.com

I can be overly critical so I hope I didn’t upset you. I just think sometimes it is helpful to hear. But I do really like that song. You’ve come on a lot since the previous song you uploaded (the first one you did).

I will give the newest one a listen now

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I wasn’t insulted or upset at all.

It is good to get real evaluation.

I was just getting it done and not music producing very well tbh.

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Its a big learning process!! I still can’t produce very well and Ive been doing it for pleasure for like 18 years :sweat_smile:

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The newest one is very dark and bleak. Maybe too much for my personal tastes. I like how you vary the playing of the main idea though. Do you record these to a click or are you doing it by feel?

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Keep it up man!!


I strum it out by feel on my acoustic guitar and see what I like. I record on my phone. I then remind myself of the tune and play it till I like it.

I develop the tune and play it through by adding stuff and then I finally transfer to the electric guitar and then develop it from there.

I go through my poems and rework it to fit (sort of) with the tune.

I am running out of poems so I need to get inspired to write some more now though.

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Yes I thought so. The varying tempo gives it a much more “perfomance” like feel. It makes it feel more like a person performing in front of you. I hope you keep writing words and keep making music tool. I think you are very good at that words part already. Maybe we could collab sometimes :slight_smile:

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Yeah that would be cool!

I am still very much a newbie with the guitar though. I have a long way to go on that front!

Still, I am making tunes I like overall which very much surprises me.

Got to get back on the daily lessons with fender.com to learn more.

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