Exercise Helps Ease Psychosis Symptoms - New Study

Exercise can reduce symptoms in teens and young adults who had a first psychosis episode, a new study says.

“Establishing an exercise regime for people with psychosis is likely to be much more effective when they are younger, and in the earliest stages of treatment. Getting people into a routine early on also helps set habits for life, which can make a huge difference to their long-term physical and mental health,” study author Joseph Firth, from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, said in a university news release.

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Maybe it does but if you are poorly coordinated/bad at PE/sports and got socially rejected/isolated partly because of that ?
The only physical activities I can do are swimming(not possible since they moved the swimming centre out of town and walking( am limited as to where I can walk and walking round the town centre countless times isn’t appealing). There is the exercise bike but I get bored with that after 10 minutes or so.
Exercise programs/videos are out of the question because they are invariably too frenetic/difficult.
It’s hard to find simple exercises for the poorly coordinated.

Well I ain’t younger and I ain’t in early stages of treatment

Even if younger it would have been rather useless for me unless there had been an exercise program tailored to the poorly coordinated.

Exercise helps me a lot. I’ve been walking a lot and I feel great! I was worried this trip would set off my symptoms but it didn’t. Quite the contrary, sometimes what we’re afraid of it’s the oposite that happens.


You do it anyway


If I could find exercise tailored to my difficulties I’d be more able to do so. The trouble is a lot of the time they presume you have good physical coordination. Ideally need someone to accompany me for long walks in the country or to go swimming but there is no one.
If you know of any simple exercises for those who are not well coordinated then feel free to let me know.

You can’t walk around the block? Or do situps in your appt? C’mon…


Yes, I can walk round the block but for a very small radius. The trouble is it’s so boring going round and round the same small area and hard to motivate myself. When I had the befriender we went for quite long walks. Occasionally I decide to pace up and down the hallway but that’s pretty soul destroying. . As for the sit ups,never been much good at them .

I guess I could try the exercise bike again. I guess 10-15 mins a day would be better than nothing?


:smile_cat: yes! This is one of the biggest problems I have. I just made myself take up running again. I really want to tone up, drop weight, get healthier. But it was hard to see the point when sometimes I can’t manage more than 5 minutes or so.

So decided to just run 5 minutes, then - way better than not running at all. It’s been a few weeks now and I can manage half an hour usually. But sometimes I can’t! And then 5 minutes is just fine.

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good!


I also make the mistake of looking at the calorie counter on the bike. Get frustrated when I have been going for several minutes and it’s only saying a handful of calories used. That also puts me off. It’s like what’s the beeping point?!

Yeah, turn that thing off. It’s not scientific, and it’s supposed to be a motivator. If it’s doing the opposite, then there is absolutely no point to having it.

was just thinking that maybe when i was pacing that maybe i could have been on a treadmill or something, was too paranoid to walk outside so it could have helped i guess.

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Some days I can’t imagine going outside, so I jog 8 steps one way, eight steps backwards. Get a pedometer of some sort to keep track of the steps you take while pacing. They add up!

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Besides walking the dog, I prefer to walk around the House - Up to at least 1hour a day on most days.

As long as I am moving/pacing, I dont care how its done.


I see a lot of people around here post things about how there’s no point exercising because meds/because they don’t know how/because there’s no time/because it’s too hard/because they can’t get to a gym/because what good does it do? I even saw one person say that there was no point unless they hired an expensive personal trainer.

I recognize all that in myself. But a little is far better than none, and a little makes it easier to do a little more. I’ve always had problems with big big goals. I can’t imagine getting there so I make no moves towards them at all. Learning to set small goals is the biggest thing that’s helped me with recovery.

I’m still no good at it :smile_cat: but I’m a little better than I used to be.


That is the problem with me. I always have difficulty breaking things down into smaller parts. Then it seems like too Herculean a task.

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Exactly! Thats awesome you started running again. No matter how little. When i got my cousin into running i only has him so 5 to ten monutes 3 to 5 days a week for awhile. Long story short he was really overweight when we started, now he looks great and runs easy hours on trails and mountain’s for fun.

As for @firemonkey i was never good at excersise either, but i still did it because after a long enough time of forceing my self, i recognized improvements can be made. People always talk to me like my level of fitness is beyond most, but i was actually the slowest in my P.E. class. Then i started running after about half a year i upgraded to the slowest on the track team. Now about 7 years later i have done easy marathons.


I would like to get fit again. I was fit at one time in my life. At the moment I have not long ago started a diet and going to be starting weight training soon. Once I come down by 1 and a half stone I plan on taking up jogging. I need the benefits of exercise as my mental state is a mess, I need the confidence boost.

I had 13 years of compulsory exercise/sports at school . Allowing for age I made zero improvement. I could run as far without getting puffed out/a stitch at 11 as I could at 18, which wasn’t very far.
At 59 I can’t see myself making much improvement now.