Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing

Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.
Evil can do anything. Good can do nothing.

Evil only wins when good people do nothing!


There are innumerable examples of good making incredible accomplishments. Scientists have labored their lives away in lonely laboratories creating the vaccinations for diseases that have killed millions of people - plague, measles, small pox, etc. They’ve developed more productive food crops that feed the people of earth. There are the inventions that have made life so much better for all of us - the incandescent light bulb, the internal combustion engine, central heat and air conditioning, etc. Good triumphed over evil in World War II. All in all, I would say that good usually triumphs over evil.


I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. Sinners are much more fun…only the good die young

never understood that one


I feel sorry for you if you truly believe that. You are not going to enjoy your life that much.



If you ignore verbal harassment, most of them quit after a while either feeling crazy or stupid. Oh well attitude about the rest, just get it done & amuse yourself works okay. There’s still some good ones left – good people who treat someone right & like to have fun…

I really almost appreciate the thought broadcasting crap. I can tell who I don’t want to deal with…Lots of mine turn out to be a mentally unstable after I met the wrong people…some people meet some okay ones who thought broadcast, even some who pick up dates this way. Seems to be either attracting wrong thing or good ones…In my past, I met someone screwed up so I’m just a weirdo magnet. I don’t answer weird, I just ignore them and they quit after a short while.

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Evil-minded people typically never win in child’s stories, or in movies, but they create a host of others who conquer the day, so I would say, let good be tested, and let’s see who prevails. Ommm to the good guys.

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Evil = theft and destruction
Good = generosity + construction

Which one is going to be stronger in the long run?

There could be good with no evil. Evil with no good, and the world wouldn’t be moving forward at all.

I might speculate that the universe is indifferent, and in its carelessness could be considered evil. Where does good come from then? It’s a self arising phenomenon of higher intelligence. Something far more precious than carnal dominance.

The world does sustain both.

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Pop cult-ure, consensus trance, claptrap? (Whaddaythink?)

Black & white, all-or-nothing, all-right-or-all-wrong, all-good-or-all-bad, polarized thinking (typical of… sz?). Nah. Couldn’t be. :smirk:


This is so obviously untrue that I feel like I’m misunderstanding you, so can you explain what you mean? Are you on the good side or the evil side?

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