Is anyone from the UK? Here in the US everyone wants to kill me, I didn’t say anything but Bonnie Rait was mad at me and sadly today of all days I think Prince Harry was mad at me, I didn’t say anything but I think he thinks I really offended him now when I feel everyone wants me dead they want me dead too. They make jokes to torture me. It is like a nightmare.I know things can become worse in a matter of minutes or a day. I don’t want to die or be ridiculed or threatened. I need to take these people out of my mind. What would you do if you were me? If I had a vlog about this would it help? I miss my pdoc who passed away. Who should I go to for help? I would realize there was misunderstanding somewhere but because I was blamed for doing or saying so much I have lost all hope in finding kind people and think most people want to hate and hurt others. They say the most insensitive things. I have people in my body. Everytime they try to read my mind something terrible happens.
Do you have another psychiatrist now ?
I’m sorry you’re struggling so much. See if a new dr can help you.
No one I really connect with. It doesn’t make any sense. I have people telling me I am gross and other things when they think they can read my thoughts.
I was wondering if you remember @jaynebeal she said she spoke to over 200 celebrities she found some were kind and others were not. I try not to talk to these people because I am shy and I don’t want to talk to these people in the first place but I have someone inserting thoughts in my mind and they get upset eventhough I didn’t say anything. They say I am going to die or worse.
When I was ILL, very psychotic I thought Justin Bieber was reading my mind loll. And I spoke to I think his name Muhammad Ali the boxer when he passed away that very night he spoke to me from the sky by my window. Window was open. It was a very brief but sincere talk. Can’t remember if there were more celebrities involved at this point but my point is that no they did not Reallyy have a connection with me to do that. Oh yes one religious leader from parents church in USA also was in my head but he was my main voice actually.
Anyways I think u should try clozapine because its a powerful med. It can take up to 3 months to work
Thought broadcasting is very strange. I don’t imagine any sufferer really wants it.
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