Please help have people after me, feel like there are people who hate me and wish me dead, They spent over a year trying to brain wash me and condition me. They video recorded their voices in my room and played it day and night. A mean woman said I was just like Sadam Hussein and some cartoon characters were harassing me. I didn’t know why they were doing this. Now it is much worse have people threaten me and verbally abuse me and it seems like some of them are low lives or people on TV who are unkind. I’ve had people inside my body, and a person who is always poisoning me, and a girl trying to plant other people against me. I just don’t want anyone to read my mind. I feel like some high profile people tried to talk to me and I made them upset not sounding my best. I feel a lot of celebrities try to belittle me and think I’m all these negative things people have brainwashed and conditioned into me. Now I just want to be alive and not murdered or mutilated. How can I just live? Please help!
everything you just said is not true my friend…there is no enemies after you, you are mentally ill. if you have an E. R. I suggest checking in for observation…the doctors will help you not be afraid anymore. good luck …I wish there was more I could say. seek help !!
I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Please get help as soon as you possibly can
I wish I were left alone, and not be watched by people. And be alive, and have my sanity.
you need doctor’s help and medicine they give you. please seek help…you aren’t thinking correctly…your mind is lying to you…there isn’t anyone after you… @Rhubot @Moonbeam
I have skizophrania to… So just go get your brain unfucked check into your emergancy room they will help you if you wnat to talk to someone let me know i habe skizophrania too but it doesnt comtrol my life. The mental helth system is very flawed but its possible to be stablized and just work from there and they will help you! Cheers
You said in a previous thread that you were off medication … I recommend getting back on it.
I’m still on med. thanks
well it doesn’t seem like you are taking enough meds because you are talking out of it very much…
I can help you my dear, I thought the same and I requested help to my doctor. Do this: question yourself, are the TV really doing it or just is a random coincidence? Do I feel too sensitive to coincidences due to past experiences?. Also, don’t you think you see lots of stuff in your day? Isn’t normal to see that random stuff in other places too? That’s just a coincidence, and remember you can ignore it, the same with your voices, ignore them. I even hear voices out of my head and feel strange things on my body but that is just a symptom of schizophrenia.
Call your psychiatrist and let them know that you are having these thoughts or go to the ER.
Thank you all @naturallycured, @jukebox, @Alan96, @uncut_productions @jenny480!!! I feel so much better today, last night needed so much help.
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