Every. Medicine. Stops. Working. After. A. Week

I am so sick of this, zyprexa does nothing anymore. Neither does seroquel, abilify, geodon, latuda, or invega.

I’ve been told to kill myself, repeat words, stick pins in my eyes, bash my head against the wall, and kill others. You people for whom medicine works need to be grateful, I just want to ■■■■■■■ sleep all day every day so I don’t have to deal with this anymore. Denial can only carry me so far.

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Wow man, sorry you’re having such a hard time. I know for me the meds work for a while and then some stop. Sounds like it’s even worse for you. Have you thought about clozapine? Isn’t that supposed to be the one that works for everybody? That’s what I always hear anyways. Maybe it would be worth a try if you haven’t tried it already. Good luck, man.


Antipsychotics are highly effective for me if I am on the right dose. The problem has never been effectiveness for me, the problem has always been the side effects.

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My new Pdoc said she intends to try clozapine next visit, but I don’t have high hopes. I’m just venting and I don’t want to go to the hospital if I don’t have to, it tends to worsen my symptoms while I’m inside.

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Maybe even niacin would help you.

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Aside from the first time I took abilify, that was my experience with atypicals as well. I have to use the old meds for any relief.

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There’s a nonprofit called curesz that focuses on helping answer questions about clozapine and find doctors in your area with experience in dealing with it. It might be worth looking into for you.

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For what it is worth, i had pretty low expectations on Clozapine too. I couldn’t imagine myself not being paranoid about things. I also couldn’t imagine that i would stop hallucinating. However, since going on it, those exact things have happened. My paranoia is significantly reduced and i’ve only hallucinated a little bit since starting the Clozapine. Give it a go, it’s quite good if you can tolerate it.

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My voices are either divine and good, or bad and evil. They often tell me to smash the heads of people near me, to kill myself or my family.
I also take zyprexa and it helps

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Can you try haloperidol? It’s highly effective for me at the right dose.

Prayers you can get some relief soon…

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Thanks. For the moment the hallucinations are gone and I’m feeling very good, have had a pleasant couple hours after that episode which was full of command hallucinations. Definitely still other meds to try :slight_smile:


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