Epace online assessment

Just paid to do the test.
http://www.epaceonline.com/ It scores you from 1 to 5.

. It should be stressed that the scores here present a
‘snapshot’ of performance at a particular time on a particular day. Performance can vary as a function of time of day, illness, confidence and
other factors.

Auditory memory 5 You can listen very well

Visual memory 2 Do you sometimes find it difficult to make sense of numbers,patterns,graphs or diagrams

Listening 4 You were able to listen and understand during the assessment

Literacy 4 ( I misheard a couple of questions) Your literacy skills are good

Mental speed 1 Is it hard to understand and respond
straightaway? Do you need extra time to think before you answer a question?

Decision making 1 This result shows that during the assessment it
was hard for you to make quick and accurate

Emotional control 4 It demonstrates that you were able to deal well
with the new things you were asked to do

Focus 5 You remained very focussed during the assessment

Impulse control 4 You made some good choices in the assessment

Hand-eye coordination 1 The result shows that during the assessment
you found difficulty with hand eye coordination
when using the mouse.

Timing 1 Do you find it a struggle to keep time?
Your assessment result suggests that you could
find keeping time difficult, this means you
might find it hard to keep a beat or rhythm in
your head or judge periods of time…

Test was done around 4 am so not the optimum time for such a test but weak points (visual memory,mental speed, decision making, Hand-eye coordination and timing) were as expected.

Link to epace test was on http://www.dore.co.uk/ after doing dyspraxia test . I scored high risk

First post should read scores from 1 to 6.