Two days back i got a dick pic from a guy i barely knew.
I was not amused. You dont open your pants, pull it out and shove it in a random girl’s face, while you exchange a few sentences with her on the streets or in a bar. You dont do that on the phone either. Same.
Im also a little…surprised, amazed and puzzled. It is my very first dick pic. I have had all sorts of other weird responses, but not this. He seemed genuinely surprised i wasnt happy about it and sort of apologized (in the two sentences he could stutter before I blocked him in every single way). I found him cute-looking and had complimented him, but it is a very very long leap from “thanks, you look good too” to “please shove a pic of your naked dick in my face, that would be great”.
Guys…can you please, please enlighten me why any guy would think this is a good idea?
Hm. Not sure if this is too explicit for the forum.
Well this may not be a popular answer, and I’ve never sent one of myself, but there is a demographic of certain women out there who might respond favorably. And guys know this. And if a guy horribly misjudges a woman like in your specific case, he knows there’s still plenty of fish in the sea out in cyberland and he’s off to the next woman who might actually be receptive.
I indeed think it is something like this. It is a very fast way of checking whether a woman is into such things. If you dont care about being a narcissistic, unempathic harasser and just want a random woman you can get easily.
It must be against the law here too. If a guy ever does something like this again, i save number and pic, report it and make sure there are repercussions.
I read of a girl who saved the conversation and pic and emailed the guy’s mum to ask if she could tell her son to stop doing this.
Oh. The idiot then complained about…consent. She shouldnt have shared this private information without his consent, he said, that was illegal.
Maybe a bit of a study of the word consent would help him. The girl specifically asked NOT to be sent dick pics. (I do think it wasnt kind to the mum, who didnt consent either).
Its not polite, its low class. Maybe he’s looking for prostitutes lmao I don’t think regular girls would like dick pics, its sexual harrassment, yeah. You can report him if you feel offended.