Does anyone have any fun stories about run-ins with celebrities or famous folk? Or maybe just someone whose autograph you got? Were they nice, did they look like they do in their pictures??
I occasionally see the odd famous person but I never approach them
I got a picture with a famous rapper named Chris webby. He actually lives near me. I wanted to ask him to listen to my music but I’m glad I was too anxious to ask as I wasn’t ready to show him. And I’m sure I’ll run into to plenty more famous rappers in restaurants right.
I ran into an NBA player in Hawaii. He is 6’10 so it wasn’t that hard to spot him. My brother took a photo of the NBA player and I.
Was it Carlos boozer?? I ran into him in Seattle. Seems he’s everywhere that guy.
The guy I’m talking about played for Duke too.
I met John Taylor and Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran and got their autograph ! They looked pretty much like their photos.
Nick Rhodes was a complete gentleman and had a very large “presence”.
I met Michael Bolton on a train. When I was like 8 years old. ANd he taught me sign language.
My sister was quizzing me on sign language and he gave me all the answers because he knew sign language apparently or was following along lol
I grew up down the street from Billy ray and Miley Cyrus. My parents are best friends with the country singer Suzy Boggus and her husband.
And sports figures—
the first famous sports figure I met was Joe Joe White of the Celtics I got a picture and autograph with. I’ve met many UConn basketball players over the year.
I’ve met the yankees GM. I’ve met many espn broadcasters. The best game I ever had in basketball was against an espn broadcaster at a pick-up game at the Y. I hit every shot I took almost and shot over the guy a bunch of times. I think he works for CBS now. He was pretty tall and he was laughing it off that I was playing so well it was kinda a funny memory.
I met DR Moll the South African version of DR Phil
Ray Liotta, from Goodfellas, bummed a cigarette off me at a hotel I was staying at.
He was super nice.
My sister is a costume designer and meets big celebrities everyday,
Like Amy Adams, Gary Oldman and Rami Malek.
But she’s super professional and never tells any stories about them aside from whether or not they were jerks.
Oh I also met Nelson Mandela briefly
I saw tons of celebrities when I lived in New York, mostly people who lived on the Upper West Side. Never saw Jerry Seinfeld, although he lived a few blocks over on 79th. I saw Richard Kind constantly. He is a weird dude.
I met the folks from MST3K. That was pretty cool.
I dated a guy whose first cousin was the lead singer from Warrant.
I met too many celebrities to mention.
One of the more famous ones were Kevin Bacon and Rob Reiner.
We had a full fledged celebrity live across the street from us in my childhood home.
My childhood town is a haven for famous artists and celebrities.
I don’t have many celebrity run ins. mostly just athletes who played in the pros for a few seasons. I’ve met dj white, played basketball for iu hoosiers and played in the pros. and AJ guyton, who was my all time favorite IU basketball player, he played for the Chicago bulls for a couple seasons, I met him at a college party and he was really a nice guy. and then I met Kenyon martin when he was playing at the university of Cincinnati basketball. he didn’t say much. probably some other athletes im forgetting, my closest brush with fame in terms of music is one time buddy guy came out in the crowd and ripped off a blues solo right in front of me at a concert. that was cool.
Do you still have the picture??
An ex of mine was the godchild Of Jerry Lewis, hung out with him multiple times. Family functions and parties. he used to let me “borrow” movies he got from the academy the day they were out in theaters.
Did cocaine with Robin Williams at a topless shows opening party thrown by said Ex’s brother. Few years later I met him again at an AA meeting he was the speaker of.
All of this was when I lived in Las Vegas.
Met the “real” Elvis Presley multiple times.
Known a few porn stars when I worked in the industry.
There’s more but those were just run ins
I got my picture taken with Roxy Le Roux, who was touring the strip club circuit as the tallest Penthouse Pet. I’d share the picture, but she’s not wearing a shirt. She was pretty tall though. Her boobs lined right up with my head standing side-by-side.
I was working in a bookstore in Dallas, and I asked this slightly older woman if she needed help. She said, “No, I learned to read years ago.” I thought that was kind of weird, so I walked to the other side of the bookstore, but she followed me, and we ended up having a very nice and enjoyable conversation. Then, three weeks later, I saw her on William Buckley’s “Firing Line”. It turned out she was a writer of considerable stature named Kate Millet. When I told this story a few years back, on this site, this young woman said she was impressed, because they had devoted a whole semester to Kate Millet at her college lit. class.