Elon Musk says Neuralink has implanted first brain chip in a human


Yeah. I read the article a couple of hours ago on a different website.

It’s a bit scary to me.


If it can help those who really need it, I am all for it!


Unfortunately, my question now is, is this the best company to lead the advancement into the technology? Can we trust musk to be the head of it?
Many doubts have been raised about his business practice. I used to really look up to him, found him to be thoughtful and cogent. Now I hear stories of him taking acid and abducting azalea banks. I do want a brain interface but I don’t want a bad one. You know what I mean?


I selfishly hope this leads to something for us.


Thanks Joe Rogan. I remember reading something about him being bipolar. Right around the time he shot the car into space lol. He’s definitely on the autism spectrum, that’s for sure. I think he’s said that.


If this helps someone with paralysis who has no hope it will be worth it


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I’ve been doing a little bit of research and I just stumbled upon this
Rather frightening

Who would use a chip if it was for schizophrenia?

I don’t think I would because what if the technology got hacked.

Who knows what a hacker would do with my brain :joy::dizzy_face:


Also not a fan of surgery, let alone brain surgery…

But potentially this could be amazing for people in desperate situations.

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Lol that’s interesting :joy:

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I will forgive him but he needs to do something right.
At the moment Tesla is looking bad, Twitter is terrible, SpaceX is good I have to give him that, nauralink we will see. Boring company failed.

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Grimes was with them

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I’m a bit scared of him

He was in my 2022 psychotic relapse and it wasn’t good

Anyway, idk the guy.

I’ve heard he said ppl who don’t have kids shouldn’t have a say in voting. Which is such a terrible thing to say. Idk if he actually said that though.

Yes I’m scared of him. But idk him. Maybe he is nice. Nevertheless I prefer to keep my distance.

Neuralink sounds interesting I hope it benefits people too. Wow imagine sz with no sedation! And no voices.


I wonder why the boring company failed.

There are tons of videos about it on YouTube. If you look up why the boring company failed. Probably get quora too.

I can tell you that mainly it’s because they’re just isn’t that much use for it and it’s incredibly expensive. Takes a lot of infrastructural planning to implement and it may not be as useful as it claims to be

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Okay thanks for sharing. Yes I can imagine that’s pricey. Maybe it’s not worth it.

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