Einstein's kid

I find it very strange from my experience that einstein’s son was one of us.

Many a time they have suggested that they have introduced certain pieces of information into the human race.

They say the people won’t even know they are given it sometimes.

Why was einstein’s son schizophrenic?

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I heard once that very creative people have relatives who are schizophrenic often because madness and genius genes are linked, so maybe if you have the madness gene, WITHOUT the SZ, you are not debilitated yet still have the creativity from the madness gene.

I’m not sure if I’m making sense, but madness is genius, but schizophrenia is too debilitating for that genius to come out. It’s why famous people are often bi-polar. They have the madness gene but without having to hear voices, as much psychosis, cognitive deficit.

Let’s just say there’s a connection between the two. But it’s tough for a SZ to fully embrace his genius…meanwhile his dad…


I was thinking just now that maybe there is a Goldilocks zone (like there is for habitable planets) in the development of this disorder where the degree affected is enough but not too much where the medications will not work so as to allow the person to function in that guinness zone.

He’s my my invisible boyfriend but he’s a fairy tinker ell is as einstiens kids

It’s all relative. It’s all a theory.

There is a better case made for Telsa than Einstein.

he was lucky like us :wink:
take care :alien:

Hans Eysenck wrote all about the association between genius and insanity. He even said that geniuses have “psychoticism” which is a personality similar to psychotic patients he had observed. I could ramble more but just go search his name and read up on his theories. We have a very broad range of associations which geniuses also have but normal people simply don’t. An example is the first word that comes to mind when you hear a random word- the more complex the relationship between the word and the priming word used to be an accepted gauge of intelligence. Now they think intelligence is…eh who gives a ■■■■

That makes sense of the link between genius and insanity, for if it’s too complex the association becomes unintelligible.