I can’t really choose between the two, but if I had to pick it would be Einstein. His theories of space and time being warped from high gravity and the distortion of how spacetime is viewed in moving frames of reference make me want to cry from the beauty.
Not using nukes is like a nash equilibrium situation that einstein helped create through his e=mc2 equation calculating nuclear energy in nukes and is possibly causing global stability but immense risk at the same time
Edit: I didn’t answer why. The why is because as far as theoretical physics goes they did a lot of fascinating work on theoretical physics with very little help
I had to pick both because they were both innovative geniuses who changed the way the world was viewed, just in their respective times (and beyond). Einstein probably wouldn’t have developed his theories without the backbone of Newton’s theories…either way, i sucked at physics in school, it was one endless word problem in math!
Without a doubt Newton was the much greater thinker.
Infinitesimal calculus in itself is superior to any one of Einstein’s achievements in my view.
Einstein was brilliant too and had some thought experiments, but Newton laid the foundation for Mathematics. Einstein was building on Newton’s ideas on gravity as well. Lastly, Einstein may be proven incorrect in time, his theory may be refined or reformed altogether as there never is finality in Physics, and science, but Mathematics is universal, infinitesimal calculus is an achievement for all times and all peoples.
ya, i dont understand the science and math side though I just look at einstein in that period of history as being a big figure, where newton lived in fairly comfortable times, and did have impact on future events, but 20th century rise global fascism and nukes being decisive of ultimate victory for liberal democrats and einstein was key nuclear physicist. i think thats much bigger story