It was like a massive headache right behind my eyes that just progressively got worse until I blacked out
Don’t delay seeking help. Running is probably adding fuel to the fire by making you really hungry from the demands it puts on your body. I don’t suggest stopping running, but shorter , slower runs are probably better. APs will not help you reach your running goals. I am a natural runner and can hardly run at all on these meds.
I’m on quite a few meds but I need to be on them
dehydration can cause you to faint
- How it happens
When you’re dehydrated, your blood pressure drops because you don’t have enough water in your bloodstream. This makes it harder for your body to pump enough blood to your brain and other vital organs, which can lead to fainting.
- Other causes of fainting
Fainting can also be caused by other things, such as:
Low blood sugar
Emotional stress
Severe pain
Prolonged standing, laughing, or coughing
How to prevent fainting
Staying hydrated can help prevent fainting. You can also try to avoid known triggers if you have a history of fainting.
- Signs of dehydration
One way to check for dehydration is to look at the color of your urine. Normal urine is pale yellow, while darker urine could indicate dehydration.
If you feel like you’re about to faint, you can try: Lying on the ground with your legs raised, Drinking water, Getting some fresh air, and Changing positions slowly.
I don’t have medical answers to your situation. This is just something I pulled up on the internet.
Yes, I am not saying quit running or quit meds, but just be aware that aps impair cardiovascular fitness.
Yeah I’m on Loxapine which increases my heart rate. As well as lithium and Geodon which also have side effects effecting the heart
I’m going to be sure to drink more water
Cardio is good for your heart, but stress is bad for your heart. You want to exercise without being under stress. Don’t push yourself so hard to reach your half marathon goal. Ive completed full marathons and its not really an accomplishment It’s trivial.
I’m so disappointed in myself purged again tonight and will probably purge again before the night is over. I am so sick of this. I’m not sure if I need to do an inpatient ED treatment but I really can’t afford to miss work
That’s horrible. You need to stop purging. Duh, right? I know, but you need another strategy. You need an appetite suppressant, or to suppress appetite through drinking water. If you over eat you have to eat less in the next couple days. You have to let yourself gain weight. Just be fat. I know you see it as a failure, but we’re all fat here on meds mostly. It’s a losing battle.
I refuse to gain all my weight back. I used to be 296 pounds last year. I finally got down to 194 but regained up to 218. Right now I am 210 and petrified of gaining weight but I can’t control my eating that’s why I purge. I suppose I could start running even more
You need to get medical help honestly. Even maybe try nicotine pouches, they suppress appetite. There’s other herbals. But don’t even have to go that route. You need to think about what youre doing. Running is gonna make you ravenous. Maybe switch to brisk walking and eat strategically. Many small meals with fats and sugars and carbs in low quantities. But no packages of junk.
My problem is I can eat really clean and healthy all day then at night I want the unhealthy food. I’m scaring myself a little because I have started to purge even just my regular meals. Tonight it was a subway sandwich that I purged and I didn’t over eat at all. But I am way more prone to buy sweets and junk food at night then purge that. It’s like I have self control up until a certain point then I say ■■■■ it
Work on your strategies. Eating clean is maybe too disciplined and causing cravings. As I said try peanut butter on whole grain. Cheese on whole grain. That kind of thing with fats and carbs in the food. Do not let yourself purge though.
It sounds simple to just not purge. But it’s like compulsive for me, I have struggled on and off with bulimia since I was 14. It was totally in remission till maybe three months ago when it came back with a vengeance
I know I feel dumb saying it knowing there’s nothing I can really say.
No don’t feel bad. I get it. There’s really no right thing to say…
@Hanna_Foxx If you have blacked out after purging, you need to go to the ER for immediate medical attention.
Your eating disorder is completely out of control.
We are not qualified to help you with this on the forum. You need urgent medical attention by specialists.
Also, this thread could be triggering for others with an eating disorder.
I am going to lock this thread. Please go to the ER or urgent care.