I recently made a YouTube video and you can see my tongue movements when I stop talking. Is anyone interested in seeing it? And giving me advice on what to do?
You need to report it to your doctor or psychiatrist asap.
Yes, contact your doctor immediately
Don’t wait.
Seconded (thirded?): Talk to that doctor without delay. I learned about my TD over three years ago, and I made a video to show my pdoc. It’s progressed. Ask about clozapine. It didn’t work for me because my WBC dropped, but it might work for you and could make a huge difference. The longer you stay on the med causing it, the more likely you are to have issues from it. TD CAN go away. Don’t let yourself get to the point where I’m at.
I’m interested in seeing your video. Post it please or PM it to me.
I found the video I used to show my pdoc my TD symptoms when they became more noticeable. I’d be curious to compare yours. Also, I’d show you a video now, but I don’t want to scare you, lol.
Here it is for those of you wanting to see it. I think it’s very early signs but if you’re paying attention you can see it.
Hmmm, yea your lips and jaw kinda twitch a bit in the video, and that was within like, 2 minutes in.
I agree with everybody—you defos wanna get that checked out before things escalate.
As a side note:
Your bangs are super cute, and I hope you got some good stuff in your Ipsy bag
Show your pdoc as soon as you can! That’s not good. You don’t want it to progress or become permanent
Awe thanks so much! I cut my bangs myself on an impulsive decision.
I noticed the first movements around 56/57 seconds in. If yours is like mine, it starts off inconsistently, enough for you to kind of wonder what it was but still shrug it off. Shrugging it off cost me precious time. Granted, my pdoc didn’t switch my meds for some time either… Anyhow, please get help and let us know how it goes.
So ipsy stopped doing Ultimate? I used to be subscribed to Plus and Ultimate, plus all levels of Boxy Charm. I also bought stuff when they had their little sales. I ended up with three dresser drawers full of stuff, and that’s with regular shipments going out to family. Now I just have Kindle Unlimited for my subscription. I still buy cosmetics, but I’m very specific. Having the boxes was something to look forward to and taught me a lot about products I like and those I don’t. How long have you been unboxing? You did a realy good job.
Yes my movements are pretty inconsistent right now.
As for Ipsy I’ve only just started doing unboxings Ipsy got rid of their top tier bag and now it’s called Ipsy Glam Bag X and they do it four times a year for $60 instead of every month now. I also get boxycharm. It’s like the only way I afford my expensive skincare. It’s just the only way I treat myself
That was me, too. Now I just wait for sales, then grab stuff up. I got my Estee Lauder at 30% off, my Lancome at 40% off, my serum (which I discovered via a box) was on a 50% sale at Ulta, so I bought enough for the year, plus it came with so many freebies! My skin is picky about masks, though. I use a mask I originally got out of one of the boxes, but I buy it on ebay so it doesn’t cost me $40. I think I pay around $15 including shipping. I’m huge into lip gloss. I probably have 150 of the things, but I’m admittedly a brand snob. I also get fixated on brands. For example, I have to have everything that Urban Decay comes out with. I even have four types of their setting spray because I HAD to have all the U.D. stuff. I think it’s part of my OCD. Anyhow, I’m saving a lot of money, but it’s only because I’m really good at sniffing out sales.
I’m saving the most money because I don’t buy or use any cosmetics or skin care products ever, period, except for Ivory soap. That’s it. And women irl compliment me on my skin all the time. @LilyoftheValley @Hanna_Foxx @Schztuna @Happy_H
That’s great @SkinnyMe . I use very little on my skin. I’m afraid it’ll throw my skin off if I get into too much of a daily routine
I’ve been doing it to make a feminist statement for the last 45 years.
Mine is mostly because I’ve had really bad skin in the past, and I want to help it however I can. It makes me happy. Just something little. My grandma buys shoes; I buy makeup and skincare products. I don’t associate it with being female. I do very little to my hair, for example, but know a few guys who go all out. Same with face care. My daughter’s last boyfriend had more face masks than I.
That’s great that you’re making a feminist statement. I just don’t like the dark rings around my eyes so I choose to wear foundation to cover it up. But then I look pale so I wear blush. It’s not about how men see me, it’s about how I see myself. But I like that you’re confident in yourself enough to not use any products at all.
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