Read this article recently. It basically says we are not sleeping right by design. Resulting in basically a waking dream. Thoughts? Pretty convincing but could be not true idk. I have nightmares all night long and never sleep or legit stay up 40 hours at times so kinda resonates with me. Would love to hear what you guys think.
This is basically how it feels a lot of the time for me. Like a waking dream. It feels like it doesn’t operate on the premise of logic and anything is possible. That thought scares me and it becomes a nightmare because of the fear. Things are getting better, but i have to make everything logical or else my world becomes hell real quick
Ya for sure, this is the schizophrenia explanation that makes me understand it. I am always in fear I will become that person but really, we are not our perception we are our choices. Even dreams and delusions can’t take over but our morals and learned subjects take over that. Can only make sense of them as best as we can and deal with them in my opinion. Screw it all we can think independently and overcome this.
You can and deserve to be afraid you don’t have control, as it is a delusion. Deep down in you though you always know those dumb ass solutions or delusions can’t do ■■■■to your real character.
Honestly from what i have read it’s a theory nothing proved. It just resonated with me as I have sleep problems where I am awake 40+ hours if manic (schizoaffective). I just feel like I never sleep or wake up. It’s an interesting article but like I said it’s a theory so don’t put too much into it. It does explain a lot, but it doesn’t mean it’s correct. I’m going to ask for something for sleep when i go inpatient tomorrow as I sleep rarely.
i even became slightly more psychotic when i had insomnia for a day or two after what feels like a waking dream state for a couple of hours recently and felt normal again after a long after sleep
I’m just afraid of the side effects of trazadone and already on Seroquel/Konopin which does nothing for me. Going to try some sleep stuff while inpatient, don’t put too much thought into blaming just this though. I’ll let you know what they put me on and if it helped.
Ya i have done a 72 hour with no caffeine or anything. I can tell you if messes with you, but I don’t understand its effects on our issues. Best thing we can do is get sleep when we can if we have insomnia (like me and you)
No sleep for over 30 or so plus hours can put anyone into psychosis. I think it just has a greater effect on us we already have that problem. My family lets me sleep while I can. My dog always wants me to be awake though! lol. My dad keeps him company when I can sleep. Just rest as much as possible.
I had some normal dreams last week. These dreams had absolutely nothing in common with my psychotic episodes. In psychotic episodes even my dreams are different. I would categorize myself as sane currently and I can see a schizophrenic from miles away. There is not some genius of mind to it, its the same pattern over and over again in different people.
Like if you don’t get enough sleep your brain just kinda goes into dream mode while you’re still awake. A layer of phantoms slips over reality, and it’s a reflection of your thoughts like dreams are.
I think this is why people who stay awake for days even if they don’t have SZ see hallucinatons too. Also drug users. A lot of drugs over tax your body and brain and keep people up.