Are you asleep or awake that is the question. When I was first getting better. I would notice a peculiar change in perception when the meds were applied. I would literally wake up and still be in the dream state. Or under water. The world of synchronisities and ideas of reference were all available. The world was strange. And then I would feel myself surface as it were. And all that would go away. I would be back on top. Or in reality again.
That’s how I’ve felt all today. Just totally out of it and somewhat asleep. But I’m also still on my temporary break from modafinil so that’s probably why. I’m hoping once I start it up again I’ll be “awake.”
Lately my nights have been so strange.
There is speculation that schizophrenia happens when a person’s dream-related faculties don’t shut down during wakeful hours.
Wow I like this theory
In the old days, yes, when I first got the illness. Benzos didn’t help but the anxiety and panic was so bad. Not anymore.
my meds stop all of my symptoms but even they make me feel a bit hazy, a bit ‘unreal’ type thing, less overall awareness but i think that may be a good thing as we are over aware bc of sz its the fight/flight response, bc we are stuck in that mode we have heightened perceptions, meds lower these perceptions to try to combat the effects of sz
I feel like I’m always sleeping, the world is foggy and time flies like if it was a dream.
Since being on clozapine 600mg I sometimes can’t remember if it was a real thought or event or a dream. Reality and dreams to some extent have blurred
schizophrenia makes life seem like a dream when I think about it. like everything is so true and real, no matter how bad. I’m not saying everything is positive all the time, I’m just saying the world plays by its own rules sometimes.
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