Dopamine pathways

I read that sz positive symptoms are caused by excess dopamine specifically in the dorsal striatum. Negative and cognitive symptoms are caused by a lack of dopamine in other regions mainly the mesocorticolimbic pathway which is responsible for motivation, emotions, etc and which innervates the prefrontal cortex. My pdoc told me that negative and cognitive symptoms are caused by a lack of dopamine in certain brain regions.

I took dopamine supplements and they improved my negative and cognitive symptoms but made positives worse because they increase dopamine in all the brain. What if Drs use deep brain stimulation electrodes in regions low in dopamine? Is there meds that target specific brain regions?

Are we ■■■■■■ forever?

My psychiatrist told me the problem is that there is no meds that target specific brain regions, stimulants boost dopamine in all the brain and antipsychotics block dopamine in all the brain. Maybe there is in development meds?

Maybe Musks neuralink could help you. I would never sign up for it but it looks like its gonna happen.

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Well I hope sz is not permanent brain damage.

I would say that you are better off trusting your doctor on this. None of us are likely to have more advanced knowledge than your psychiatrist. I have a fair grasp on how dopamine, partial dopamine agonists, dopamine agonists, dopamine receptors and the like work but this is too advanced of a topic for me. If there is a way for meds to target specific brain regions, I am not aware of how it could be done. The closest thing to that is partial dopamine agonists which partially activate the receptors in ALL OF THE BRAIN as well…but sort of level things out between too low and too high.

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Maybe send neuralink an email saying what you said in this post and see if they can help. Youll never get any kind of treatment like that in canadian healthcare system.

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I almost swallowed the bottle of ldopa i have to fix my negative symptoms but then remembered how I started hearing voices last time I took 7 pills.

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I wish that my psychiatrist is right and that its a lack of dopamine. Thats much better than permanent brain damage.

Its new year, I should enjoy myself but instead I am thinking about my future with sz.

Depends what you mean by permanent brain damage. I think its genetic. In the nucleus of your neuron dna gives instructions to other organelles to turn amino acid into dopamine and the dopamine is released. For whatever reason your cells are releasing too much dopamine. I think its genetic.

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Yeah, that’s probably not a good idea. If you are going to flood your brain with dopamine to try to reverse negatives, you might as well not be taking dopamine antagonists. It sounds kinda like wearing a hooded coat to block the rain and then pouring a pitcher of water over your head. It doesn’t seem to be any better of a solution than stopping your meds. Besides, even if it did work, it would only be a temporary fix.


I read that schizophrenics are born with bigger ventricles (empty spaces in the brain filled with CSF liquid).

There is also structural differences like in temporal lobes, hippocampus, etc between schizophrenics and normal ppl.

Honestly I have no idea. From what Ive read my bias in thinking about sz is that its epigenetic caused by genetic disposition combined with environmental triggers that activate those genetic faults in your neuron cells nuclei. The cells produce too much dopamine, too many dopamine receptors open up and brain function becomes abnormal


I decided to try a couple of racetams. Aniracetam and coluracetam.
It has affects on glutamate. So I’m guessing it might help me since sarcosine helps

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Do you think its permanent brain damage? Studies say, structurally, severely schizophrenics brains are different from normal ppl. Bigger ventricles, abnormal temporal lobe which include the hippocampus etc

Did you try Adderal or Ritalin?

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I could try Adderall but I think it will destabilize me. I’m pretty sure ritalin destabilized my moods

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Do you know if there is any research of deep brain stimulation and sz? How was TMS?