Dopamine pathways

Wow dbs exists for sz already!

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There in the works for doing testing I think.

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Tms helped for me but if I didnā€™t get a treatment every 2 weeks Iā€™d start reverting


I think deep brain stimulation with electrodes is more effective and permanent but its scary I guess. I didnā€™t know electrodes inside the brain were already used for treatment resistant sz.

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They place electrodes inside the brain, its different from TMS.

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IDK. As I have stated a number of times on this forum, I think most of the damage occurs prior to onset of psychosis, Iā€™m not sure that schizophrenia itself is degenerative once you are stable. Maybe you get additional damage due to neurotoxicity during psychotic episodes. I just donā€™t know.
There is also, alcohol and drug abuse, meds, smoking etc etc to consider in the studies where they show that there is continued brain tissue loss/damage. I have to be honest with you, I think brain tissue loss with meds is a real possibilityā€¦but so is the possibility that you could lose brain tissue through psychotic episodesā€¦The whole subject is very complicated and it seems like we are in a bit of a no win situation as far taking meds to stop degeneration and psychosis and the real possibility that meds may be causing some of this damage over the long term.

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There are quite a few studies on how much brain tissue and Grey matter are lost on meds vs off meds


And what do you believe the conclusions are? I have seen articles on most subjects related to schizophrenia which seem to contradict each other. What do you believe the correct conclusion is?

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Hey, Iā€™ve read that L-dopa is just a precursor to dopamine. Just prone to upregulation of dopamine, but not necessarily produce dopamine?

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I just know that its the direct precursor of dopamine and that its used to treat Parkinsons. I prefer Ritalin or Adderal as they are much more effective but my Drs wonā€™t prescribe them.

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Would you consider trying out lions mane?

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I tried the one Zombiemombie recommended to me but it did nothing. I donā€™t think it increases dopamine.

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TMS helped a tiny bit, then it started making me extremely anxious, then I completely backslid into crippling depression two weeks after it was over, and now Iā€™m in the pits again. It didnā€™t give me enough of a boost to make it worth continuing to go, and I donā€™t think my insurance would have covered it anyway.

Thereā€™s VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulation), but I donā€™t know enough about that.


Itā€™s supposed to reverse dopamine serotonin and norepinephrine in a way tricyclic antidepressans does

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Iā€™m not sure what you mean by ā€œreverseā€. Something to do with reuptake by the pre synaptic neuron?


From what I read, seems like there was a study on how antipsychotic causing Grey matter loss in monkeys.

So they decided to follow up with studies on being off medication and let the patients relapsed, they found out that there were more Grey matter loss in that regard compared to being on ap


So itā€™s really about picking your poison lol

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Hmm I think it brings it to a normal level? That is how I perceive it

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Yeah I also got anxious from it when the dose was too high.

We need da magic pill :sob::crazy_face::cowboy_hat_face:


I think reversing means to have high levels to lower and low levels to high

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