What an adrenal rush, not stop gore. Im eyes are so stimulated of nonstop bashing, nashing and killing monsters i swear its going pop out of its socket its that crazy of a game. I love it, its so addicting and so much fun. i glad i got it.
nice to hear you are enjoying the game =)
Hope you have lots of fun hours with it still!
I’m 42.
I remember doom 1, wolfenstein 3d…
yea doom eternal is pretty sick. theres also a free game on steam called hellbound: survival mode which is modeled like doom and has some cool weapons and movement mechanics
I didnt finish doom eternal. Came close but i found the game repetitive and just didnt care to finish it.
Last game I played was Quake2. Sometimes I wonder if getting back into gaming would be a good way to relax and stop thinking.
I have a hard time getting into games, TV shows and movies anymore. I’ve tried but it’s rare that I can enjoy any of them. I use to be a big gamer too. Damn sz or meds or whatever is the cause.
Yea i love the game, also i got another game called immortal fenyx rising i got for only for 20 dollars on ebay excited to play it.
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