Dont think im too well

Ive been getting really delusional lately, i wanna feel safe. Heard poxy voices all last night in bed. And i keep seeing angels. Im now doing 400mg Quietaipine. Somethings wrong - and i think i might be calling for help soon. :frowning: Help? :frowning:

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It sounds like you might need a med adjustment. I would definitely talk to the pdoc about these things. meanwhile try and relax and distract yourself as much as possible. Hang in there, man.


You said you were going to talk to your duty worker tomorrow. So make sure you tell them everything…


I actually think ive got alcohol withdrawls and its messing with my head. Im gonna phone the duty social worker monday, i think - things are turning “unreal”. Very quiet day for me indoors with headphones on. Very Paranoid. :frowning:

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I spend a lot of time with my headphones on, too. I hope your social worker can get you straightened out. It can be scary when things get unreal and hopefully you won’t have to deal with it for too long. If it is alcohol withdrawal, maybe you need to go to the hospital. I think there is medication they can give you to help you get over that.

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I’m sorry to hear that you aren’t doing well. Take care of yourself. Let us know how you are doing tomorrow!

Cheers mate, hope you feel better soon. Try to take it easy

What I do when I get super delusional is trying to do reality checks with somebody I trust, and try to keep positive about everything, I know it might seem silly, but it helps in the long term to keep yourself distracted.

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My named Social Worker has been off since last november - so i been relying on on-call duty, Been prescirbed Librium before for the drinking - so if i cant cope ill ask them. I will cope - i always do. I intend to sleep for the next few days…

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Hang in there, man. I said a prayer for you. Hope this passes soon.



Thank you Bruv x

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