Done nothing for 3 weeks

So I’ve done nothing but be on my phone for the past 3 weeks. Days have gone by. I keep thinking about doing stuff but I convince myself it’s dull and pointless.


This is my life as well. :whale::whale::whale:

I totally relate.

Not your fault @pasteyface. It’s called negative symptoms. Part of the package of symptoms of schizophrenia. Try not to judge yourself harshly. It’s ok. I live the same way. Same issues. Acceptance leads to insight. Insight leads to wellness. The mind wants to heal itself. Give it a chance and never lose hope.

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I’ve been like this for 10 years. I’m mostly bedridden. All I do is lie on the couch and browse my phone. I keep falling asleep at irregular hours. Not only that, being up at daytime gives me anxiety. I don’t know why? I can’t find a reason for it. All I want to do is rest or sleep.

I’m so fuc-king tired of it! My life feels like a waste!


I’ve. Got positive symptoms and it’s hell

Hey @Speedy … that’s a very tough situation. I was in the same place for about 3 years while i was living in a cold, moldy old boat just surviving. I moved into an apartment and my doc changed my meds and I started feeling better. Then loved entered my life and that gave me a big boost. Tough situation you;re in thought. Been there. I feel for you. Hang in there. Maybe just try to find one thing you like to do or eat or whatever each day. Just one good thing to look forward to. It all starts with hope.

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I sit in a recliner all day and look at my phone. I feel you there. I do feel better at night but try to maintain a normal bedtime. I get tired around 7pm.

I’m sorry you struggle like this. It does seem like life is just wasting away sometimes. I know what helps me is to think of how I was while unmedicated. I may have been free but I was doing incredibly dangerous things.

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I struggle with being active also

I too have reached that point. I am used to working a lot, researching and rebuilding my business, but for last 4 weeks I have done nothing.

It will pass. Trust me. I am making a plan for myself and hope to restart my life on Monday

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