Doing the right thing

I know what doing the right thing is. Doing no drugs, no alcohol, taking meds, eat healthy, exercise etc…But i just can’t do it always the rational reasonable way. Am i a rebel. What is wrong with me?
It could be so easy but i choose the hard way.


You could be a rebel or you simply just don’t wanna exercise or eat healthy and etc.

I know I used to exercise everyday for 30 mins each and I’ll never get that back after my psychosis. Now I’m lucky to exercise once a week even though there’s nothing stopping me from doing it. I think I just need the motivation for it and that’s hard to get now.

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I prefer the easy way

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Hi Jerry, i experienced similar. Before an psychotic episode i do the right things. But then on a sudden i get psychotic and that is a dissapointment. A big set back. With the medication i can;t motivate myself anymore because i get an episode anyway. I ask myself what is the point and go punk.
To hell with schizophrenia

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i can relate to this on so many levels. i’m still hoping one day something will click in my mind, the whole things have to get worse before they get better deal. But lack of motivation makes it tricky to get back to good again.
I think it’s part of the illness. Lack of judgement.
I always do the wrong thing too.
I hope things get better for you, i really do

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Maybe that is excactly what the medication suppose to do. Take the motivation away.
Perhaps we got the wrong the goals. Thinking jesus is wrong. Maybe i should orientate more satan.

I don’t exercise or eat healthy either.

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Doing the right this g is easier said than done for me cos of addiction


I do everything recently. For me I had to find the right med combo BEFORE I got sober. But I suppose it could be any which way. I worked out yesterday. And I do everything else right as of seventeen days ago. Never felt better.

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I wasn’t paying attention to my weight, and I gained about 15 lbs. I was already substantially overweight. I’m hoping I can find a way to work this off.


The easy way is so hard.:disappointed:

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