I often dream that i am God with all sorts of godly powers, or that i’m Jesus and i can heal people. It’s tempting to go down the rabbit the rabbit hole and think i am somehow special but i keep myself grounded by reminding myself i’m just an idiot with an annoying disease.
I also dreamt that my sister is stalking me and have constant dreams of my cousin hating me.
My experience is that it doesn’t, and dreams can be a relief from schizophrenia. I don’t know if this is typical, and I would be very interested to know of other’s experiences.
I dream a lot weirder dreams when I’m having more symptoms.
And when I’m more heavily medicated, my dreams get more nightmareish, and I sometimes even get sleep paralysis.
Last night my dream made no sense and it was less colorful than usual. I don’t want to start having black and white dreams. My voices make things hard for me though they are in error and now know it. Their argument has more holes than swiss cheese.