How is it? How long do you walk for?
walking is fine, i walk on my treadmill and it gets a bit boring staring out the window, i walk 2 miles a day or about 35 minutes of walking. i used to walk like 10 miles a day in the old neighborhood, just out of boredom.
I walked the dog down the driveway today to get the mail. There are walking trails in the woods behind my parents house and we walk back there frequently. It’s maybe a 20 minute walk.
I walk in the woods. Maybe for about an hour.
Damn that’s a lot of walking - 10 miles. That’s about an hour and a half to two hours, right?
yeah that’s in a day, i would take multiple walks a day, just around the neighborhood or to the store, stuff like that. i had a lot of free time back then and sidewalks throughout the city. the farthest ive hiked in one day is 40 miles.
I have arthritis in my lower back, left hip and knee, and don’t walk much anymore. I no longer have a car, so I have to walk to the bus stops.
40 miles holy shiz. The last time I walked that much was in Army.
I barely walk. I have a physical disability. I walk with crutches.
I’m sorry @anon10648258 . My topic was insensitive.
Nonono please don’t think like that! You asked an important question because we sz’s need exercise!
30 mins most mornings. Just short enough that I can motivate myself and just long enough to make me feel a bit happier
Ever since I was three.
I pace back and forth 4-5 hours a day.
I walk sometimes in the house with a step counter. Rarely I walk outside with my parents or shop with them.
I live in the woods and go hiking frequently
I walk about 15,000 or more steps per day. Usually use the walking trails around town these days. I’d kill to have the woods I walked in this fall back.
I walk when it’s not cold, but not on a schedule. I always think that I will meet people somehow, out walking, and that never happens.
I’ve stopped going for walks since the bad Winter weather arrived.
I use a pedometer on my phone. I’m using Noom to try to lose weight. Just worried that my medications will stop me from losing weight.