Does anyone sleep too much?

I have gone off olanzapine. Now I am on abilify and lurasidone. I don’t think these two drugs make me sleep too much. However, I still sleep a lot, more than 8 hours a day. Is it a kind of negative symptom? Anyone got the same problem?

I was just talking about this with therapist yesterday
I sleep too much
They say it’s not healthy
I get ten hours when seven or eight is healthier but I can’t help it the clozapine makes me sleep

Yes, I think medication withthe suffix -pine, such as clozapine, olanzapine and quetiapine, make people sleep too much.

Yes. I’m on Abilify and I sleep 10-12 hours.

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When I was on 10mg abilify, I got insomnia. After the dosage has been adjusted to 2.5mg, I amable to fall asleep.

I think sleeping too much maybe a kind of negative symptom. I have a rather low motivation to get up and start the day.

I sleep way to much, sometimes over 12 hrs… But when im dreaming id rather stay asleep which is why i dont get up…

I sleep about 7 hours at night and then nap during the day because I get tired around afternoon. I’d say overall I’m sleeping a bit too much but I just feel tired.

I sleep too much. I need a lot of sleep to feel rested, and I blame that on the fact that I dream a lot.

Also I have pcos which makes people tired, AND I take Quetiapine.

I sleep about 10-11 hours typically

I feel good though

Lately I’ve been more in bed than out.
Not all the time sleeping, sometimes eating, sometimes on my iPhone on this site.
I’d say I spend about 20 hours a day in bed.

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On meds I’ll sleep 15 hours a day…

Off meds my sleep schedule is 8 hours exactly.

I’m on Clozapine and Ziprasidone and i get about 6 - 7 hours of sleep each night. I don’t find these drugs terribly sedating. If i need to, i can wake up early to do some exercise. Don’t know why these drugs are that sedating to me when they appear to be for other people.


I sleep about 9 or 10 hours a night. I am on Latuda.

I take clozapine. Ì sleep 11-14 hours but I’m feeling pretty depressed.
I’m going to start using my SAD lamp today.

If left to my own devices, I sleep about 10 hours a night. And I’m not complaining. I feel great after that much sleep. If I sleep 7 or 8 hours, I am exhausted and dragging all day long and I feel like you know what.

I get that problem from time to time. I had trouble staying awake recently because I was taking 600 mg L-theanine daily. I would be dopey all day long. I reduced my dose to 200 mg daily, and things are much better. Olanzapine also made me sleep a lot. Give the situation time, and see if it corrects itself. If not, ask for a sleep specialist. There is a drug called “amytriptiline” that helped me get regular sleep for about six months. It is a tricyclic antidepressant combined with a sedative. For something to help my sleeping for that long is close to a miracle.

Yea I believe I sleep too much also. I try to set the alarm to wake up early but then I’m reminded that I won’t have much to do which is weird. My mind plays tricks on me nd I end up going back to sleep. I usually sleep about 12+ hours but I’m slowly working on waking up early.

I sleep way too much. Especially in the winter when my depression is at its worst. I usually sleep around 12 hours. My record is something dumb like 26.

I also spend a lot of time in my bed when I’m depressed though. That makes things worse.

Sometimes I don’t get out of bed for a week and then my muscles deteriorate to ■■■■ and it’s hard to walk around a lot.

Some people need more sleep than others. The seroquel made me sleepy during the day, and I sleep less now that I’m no longer on it. When I’m depressed I sleep too much, too. I feel sleep as long as you need. No one is judging you!!! If it is interfering with your life, talk to your doctor.