I have been knitting and crocheting for ten years now. It is a form of therapy to me.
I tried knitting but I couldn’t get my head around it.
I had a moment of needing to understand how the individual knots were made and found it too much for my head because i just got confused and couldn’t work it out!
I would love to
At the assisted living center where I live I saw this woman crochet a cap in less than ten minutes. Man she was fast.
I am trying to think of one thing i have kept up for that long as a hobby - i have swapped and changed my therapist, job, art, exercise, studies, obsessions - none last more than 5
only things i have stuck to is a man and putting down nicotine
thats good.
yeah the last 2 things there are but i don’t go deeply into anything i don’t have the patience for real skill
It is therapy for me too.
I only do simple things though because I am not that good.
I crewchetted in the last psychiatric hospital I was in but I had to ask permission for my things to be gotten from lock up when I wanted to use them.
Yeah crisis wouldnt let me crochet.
I like both. Crocheting is fun but knitting feels like more of an accomplishment because it can get a bit tricky.
I crochet more than i knit. My favorite is tunisian crochet.
Yes I’m crocheting a blanket for my boyfriend right now.
I wanted to learn, I got a kit and everything on it but I tried for 30 minutes just to make a single loop thing and gave up I wanted to be able to make cute little animal figures.
I know someone who knits for fun. She said it is her therapy, plus she said she likes the feel of the wool. She knits jumpers and blankets in a variety of stitching patterns. Am a big wool fan myself!
I love knitting, but I rarely ever have the concentration for it.
The first time I was in the hospital, I knitted a pair of socks for my best friend, they even have smiley faces on the heels
He still wears them
I can knit but I am not an expert. I did knit three kittens though when I was actively psychotic. They were super cute.
I would love o learn both. Being a male society says I need to be butt up under a hood though. Do you guys know any males who knit or crochet?
Quite a few men knit. I don’t remember but only one named Mike who runs the crochet crowd. It’s a group on facebook and blog