any tips…much appreciated
Sorry if my meat posts have bothered you. I do admire what you do by being a vegan.
I was a mess as a vegan. completely psychotic. really im more of a vegetarian by beliefs but I eat a little fish for the protein since im working out now. i’ll probably go back to vegetarian when im in my 50’s.
it’s a chore to cook all the time so I would do easy stuff. like smoothies in the morning salads for lunch maybe some canned soup. and then a baked potato or something for dinner seeds for a snack. I was about 10-20 pounds underweight as a vegan. wish I could help more but I like I said I was hearing voices all the time. you might want to consider supplementing with b vitamins.
o yeah you probably already know this but rice and beans combinations will give you all the essential amino acids. a complete protein. cheap food too.
personally I got tired of the mess from the rice but they used to sell those bags of rice you could boil in the water then open. much cleaner, I don’t know if they still sell those or not.
thanks @Lifer
If your vegan. Make sure you get enough vitamin A and B12.
Vitamin A from vegetables is absorbed only 5%, but if you eat black pepper it’s absorbs by a huge amount. So try eating carrots with black pepper for vitamin A.
For B12, eat mushrooms. Mushrooms have been shown to contain b12 but in small amounts. You would have to eat stupid amounts of mushrooms to get enough b12 though. Unless you don’t wash them because the soil contains b12. I don’t recommend eating soil though. But if you leave the soil on your mushrooms or vegetables make sure you cook them to kill any worm eggs or parasite eggs.
I’m not vegetarian or vegan, but I’ve studied it for years. I enjoy meat, but I’m still learning.
Cows milk and goats milk contain vitamin A and b12.
thanks @Green…you have been helpful
That links to my favorite vegan cookbooks. They’re all balanced, nutritious meals that don’t try to pretend to be meat. The books swear a lot, though. I find it funny, but others might be bothered by it.
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