Does anyone have schizophrenia with a mood component?

to be clear, there’s three relevant and related diseases: schizophrenia with a mood component, schizoaffective, and bipolar with psychotic features.

i think you all know the difference in the last two, but schizophrenia with a mood component is where there are just symptoms of mood problems, but they are not there most of the time or prominently.

ive heard of that condition but never seen anyone who had it.

I’ve never heard of schizophrenia with a mood component, and doctor google doesn’t come up with anything.

Is it an actual diagnosis?

Oh yeah, theres also psychotic depression.

i do see lots of references to ‘schizophrenia with a mood component’ on google, but yes they are in reference to another way to describe schizoaffective. i might be wrong but i could swear i read that terminology somewhere, and my therapist acted like it was a thing that existed cause she pointed out that the mood component isn’t major in the diagnosis im describing.

Mood component just describes schizoaffective bipolar or depressive. It’s just another way to say it.


Schizophrenia with a mood component is sza.


I was manic and depressed the last while.

I suffer serious depression and paranoid schizophrenia. In the states they would say it’s sz affective but I really see them as not the same thing. I would say sz with a mood component for sure.

I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

I have paranoid schiz with depression. They have never talked about changing my diagnosis to schizoaffective.

Undifferentiated sz and depression here.

No but I may have a mood disorder with a schizophrenia component.

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I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia with depression for a long time but it was changed to schizoaffective depressive type

was it your impression that the pdoc considered the two diagnosis as different?

I think that the diagnosis of schizoaffective was made because my mood component is chronic. Everyone with schizophrenia will probably experience mood problems at some point so maybe that’s why its not changed to that…I wish I knew

I have major depressive episodes that cycle

I have sza bipolar type with severe depressions that cycle and mild hypomanias occasionally

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Do you take a mood stabilizer or antideppresant?

Mood stabiliser called Lamotrigine 150mg which helps a lot with my depression. Since I’ve started it my depression improved a lot :slight_smile:
Also take two AP’S (amisulpride and olanzapine)

Can’t take antidepressant because of my hypomania

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I’m also taking lamotrigine as well as pamelor for depression. I also take two AP’s…vraylar and chlorpromazine