Does anyone have pooing problems on antipsychotics. Like constipation or pooing very little

So I am on invega 6 mg. and it feels like I am always full of poo. I go like every two days and when I go it’s only a little bit like a handful . If I haven’t been for two days shouldn’t it be more. I eat about twice a day though. I don’t eat a lot so maybe that’s why. Anyone with constipation issues?or this same issue.


My Doc gave me a rx for generic miralax. It’s fiber that will get your poop going through. My medicare and medicaid pay for it. Maybe your insurance will too.


Oh, it’s just this powder you add to your coffee or juice or water, you can’t even taste it


Thank you for replying. Okay I will ask my doctor about this. I just hate the feeling of always being full of poop.

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Sometimes I’m really full because I don’t ■■■■ regularly. You should have seen the size of my poo last time I took a ■■■■. I started laughing because it was huge.

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If I don’t drink metamucile three times a day I’ll clog my toilet. I think it’s the toilet’s fault.


I eat vegetables usually every day so I don’t have a problem with constipation.


I have a portal inside my belly which sends my poop into a different dimension. I never need to go to the toilet. Quite handy.


I eat lots of fruit and fibre and whole grains I also drink lots of juice and water I poop quite regularly


One thing that can really help is a toilet stool. You put your feet up and it helps you eliminate fully.


I did before I started taking metforim and dulcolax. My poo used to be the size of pencil leads.


Yes I have this problem also. They are thin also. Thank you for commenting.

I get diarrhea sometimes on Caplyta.

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I have a bit of constipation on zyprexa, yeap… :confused: But i still dont need laxatives…
On clozapine though, i wasnt pooing for 3 weeks even, i was afraid by that and other stuff by it, plus it wasnt working well mentally either, so i came back to olanzapine yeap…

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That is really dangerous, I read an article about someone who died from extreme constipation.


I know, dear… Even the laxatives werent working on this clozapine, it really was like that for me on that med sheesh… It also made my psychosomatic disorder real worse, plus i was very paranoid still on it, it didnt help me, so i came back to the less bad…i was on clozapine for 5 months, without much results either…
So am taking religiously my zyprexa now, but tbh, only my efforts now will get me to some needed light, am strange case of sz yeap… :frowning: I guess i just have my vices now , thats why gosh… oh yeah, the somatic disorder is hard too, but even to fix that, this goes through the mind too from what told me the pdocs…
Hugs to you Andrey, you are a friend here heh :slight_smile: East europe, right? yeah… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grin: :grin:


I have that problem like the first two weeks after my injection

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I totally get that… I’m also on clozapine and hadn’t taken a crap in 2 weeks, so I chugged a bottle of magnesium citrate. That stuff was nasty and caused me to have explosive poops for 2 days, but I felt so much better afterwards!

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Thank you everyone for all your replies and useful tips. I feel like I am not alone in this anymore.

I take magnesium pill every other day (sometimes every day, it depends) for regular constipation, it helps a lot.