I posted about this and deleted. Reposting but directed at those with bpd. Is quiet bpd a thing ? The characteristics really resonate with me but I haven’t felt suicidal or any self harming behaviour since early teens … is it still possible to have bpd ?
Not bipolar. But borderline.
Yeah, i have BPD. You don’t have to self harm or be suicidal to have it. It’s mostly stuff like emotional dysregulation and problems with abandonment and rejection. I do sometimes self harm but it’s usually cuz the hallucinations tell me to. I always say that psychosis f@#ks with my thoughts, BPD f@#ks with my feelings. I’ve done DBT in the past for it but i find that i do better doung CBT with my therapist. It’s actually pretty rare to have BPD and sza, but it is possible.
A doc I saw said it’s unlikely I had sz but hinted at bpd but I said I didn’t think so because I had some misconceptions … so he said could also be autism. And I haven’t seen him since. But now I’m looking into it it kinda makes sense.
I have autism and sza with BPD type of characteristics because it overlaps with autism and PTSD so much. I actually was originally diagnosed with BPD before autism then sza
I have various traits of BPD as well as other ■■■■ but i don’t really care anymore, i do care & i don’t, I’m trying to not focus on it though, its hard enough with the cfs which is causing depression and messing with everything as well, idk who i am kidding, life’s a struggle man.
Have you been diagnosed with autism? @Ish
Its no good trying to self diagnose you need to leave it up to your doctor to decide if anything is wrong or worth investigating. You may have a few things in common possibly but that doesn’t mean you have something
Formally diagnosed with autism and ADHD… But that happened at 38/39. I’m only trying to find answers which the docs don’t seem to be interested in doing.
I think @Anna1 might have it, I’m not sure.
Idk you haven’t shared anything about your experiences so without knowing anything about you i don’t see how i can help?
Ive been here since 2010 and I still dont know. I left a couple of weeks ago and then rejoined that’s why it looks like I’m new.
Just to be clear I’m not asking you to diagnose me. This was directed at those with bpd and I just wanted to know if there is an official subtype called quiet bpd … If you need to be suicidal or self harm or have anger issues to have it. I don’t have those things but feel I have it.
Glad your back here on the forum
Yes there is a quiet bpd
Yes usually people with bpd have experienced physical/sexual/emotional abuse and have severe emotional dysregulation so come across erratic often
Theres often dissociation and voices
Theres basically heaps of things involved and you should mention it to a doctor and let them decide
I was dx with sz and bpd but im now sz and emotionally numb so i don’t really meet the criteria anymore
What makes you feel you have it?
I have a book on bpd i got when i was diagnosed
I have an inner critic, I am constantly criticising myself, I fear rejection, I often feel people don’t like me, and its my fault, people pleaser, avoid people because I fear rejection , giving silent treatments.,
Its up to you whether you ask about it with your doctor but theres no way anyone could say other than a professional. I understand the experiences your having they are very common though and could mean anything for instance low self esteem. Very hard to know online, sorry can’t be any further help best of luck