Does anyone have a weight problem? How long have you had it for? Is it correlated to your meds. In 15 years I’ve gain 150 pounds. I lose a few and gain it back. Nothing works for long. This disorder has made me so lazy.
Yeah I have a belly, but mostly b/c I don’t do much walking or any exercise.
I gained about 20 pounds on risperidone. I guess it could be worse. But I was thin before. Now I’m not.
I had a weight problem off meds, I was too skinny, 1.80m x 50 kg, the anxiety and lack of motivation were so strong that I wasn’t able to eat.
Yeah, I gained like 80lbs I weigh 188 now
I’m trying to lose it.
I’m just as bad I weigh 255 now.
I weigh 230 lbs. I used to weigh 180 lbs. So I’ve gained 50 lbs. Luckily I’m stable at about 230 lbs. I haven’t gained anymore weight.
I am just in the obesity bmi range and I’m sorting that out. Don’t want to increase my risk of obesity related disease. And wanna feel more comfortable in my own body
I do. Had it ever since I started on the meds. I weigh about 150 now, should be closer to 100 for my height and frame size. I’m built like a developed 12yo girl, so I should weigh similarly. I also have a thyroid problem which can make weight loss a struggle.
it’s been like this ever since the psychosis n medicine. I also have a hormonal abnormality that can make weight loss more difficult and weight gain easier.
Geodon did my thyroid in.
Yes I have a weight problem. Since I started the antipsychotics 7 years ago I have gained 60lbs. I was off and on medications I would start them and not stay on them and end up in the hospital once a year. I still gained the weight though. Now I have been stable on medication (Invega Sustenna 50mg) for one year 9months,but I continue to gain the weight. I am currently 197lbs.5’5. I find I am gaining 2lbs a month. I have to stop this because if I keep gaining…by the time I am 40 years old I will be 330lbs. I don’t want it to get that bad so today I started a work out plan where I walk 2 hours a day. Eat two meals a day… breakfast and dinner and I cut out all juices I am just going to drink water from now on. and only snack on fruits or veggies if I get hungry in between meals. I hope this will help me stabilize my weight and I hope I will be motivated enough to stick to it.
I tend to binge eat when I am stressed or in physical pain. I think now I at least a lot of people struggle with weight and not just schizophrenics. Most of my non sz friends and relatives are overweight too, especially if they are over 40. I think it’s ok to drop the guilt when I fall behind and just be happy when I make progress. I am usually now to just be happy to be around others and now that I understand how hard it is to lose weight I think I am less judgmental than I used to be.
Right now I am 5’9 and 205 lbs which is somewhat average for a 50 year old.
Yeah. I’m 5’2" and I weigh 243 pounds
I’ve gained 70 pounds. I can’t stand it I diet but I don’t lose weight.
I’m 5’9" and weigh 250. I recently gained some weight. My belly is huge. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was eating. I’m hoping I can work up the motivation to lose some weight.
I’m 184cm almost 250 pounds am currently on a diet. The meds make me tired and weak so I can’t train like I want to and sleep way too much but my eating has also got to change.
I’m fine the way I am. I wanna lose 15-20 pounds but does not seem possible no matter how hard I try.
I look ‘normal’ average.
im a bit above average, 5’11" and 185
im trying to get down to 160 but i cant stop binge eating >:(
I’m sorry about your binge eating! EDs really suck.