I haven’t had homicidal thoughts since I was a kid. I’m a child of abuse so I feel it was only natural to want to get away from being abused in that way. At least that’s what I’m telling myself now.
Now that I’m almost thirty I can say I haven’t had them in 15 years. I also tend to have thoughts of harming myself over anyone else so there’s that but I’m medicated now and doing alright.
Anyway, you ever get serious homicidal thoughts? Do they bother you?
I’m wondering how common it really is compared to what the media shows.
When I was a teen and just went psychotic yes. Mostly due to paranoid delusions and command voices. But over the last 8 years, I started becoming suicidal exclusively. But all of it gone now thankfully.
I don’t count intrusive thoughts as my brain will think of exactly what I fear thinking or don’t want to think about. I think everybody has them at some point to varying degrees, especially with what media and tv crime etc. contains. I think the worse thing is actually considering it or contemplating it, which I’ve never experienced
I’ve had the passive thoughts about killing people who hurt children but never a plan it’s just a reoccurring thought and I’m sure others including neurotypical people have
I’m never legit homicidal but if someone hurt a person that’s close to me idk
Yes I have some thoughts sometimes about killing various people. Usually in stealthy and technically advanced ways, but sometimes with crude instruments.
I could probably blame billions of years of evolution for it though
With that said, I wouldn’t say it’s that bad or rare people have these thoughts. It isn’t that rare that I find someone I don’t like and think they’d be better off dead
I don’t believe most people are bad, we’re just not a bunch of saints either
No never. A dog once, but never a person. Man that dog just would not shut up I wanted to kick him so hard that he’d fly over the horizon, like in Anchorman. Just punt him. Little barky rat.
Quiet dogs and cats are my jam. I’m okay with small dogs in small doses but my god living next to one that’s territorial can be a noisy nightmare.
I would never actually hurt any person or animal though. It was just a thought. I couldn’t even do it in war I think.