Hope you all get the vacci-vacci!
I’ve been vaccinated (Pfizer) and I’m still pretty concerned about it.
just learned the towns sherriff is in icu with covid.
Life is so Much better when you get over it.
Like, at this point. There is a vaccine. If you don’t want it, that’s fine. But I’m not missing out on life cuz of vaccine fears
I’ve got both shots and I wear a mask in public places but yes, frankly I am tired of hearing about it. My mom talks about it all the time.
Now that I am double vaxxed I’m not as concerned anymore, the vast majority of people who catch it after being double vaxxed do fine. My only real concern now is if a vaccine proof variant arises.
I have a dumb friend who is an antivaxxer, he keeps sending me antivaxxers stuff.
I block him sometimes.
lol, I know 3 antivaxxers. They don’t send me stuff though.
He sent me a link that says you can buy fake vaccine healthbooks and that we reached herd immunity
He told me go get the vaccine so he doesn’t need to take it as we reached herd immunity, 70% vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated and very concerned.
A lot of people are going to die because of political ■■■■■■■■.
It’s a sad state we’re in.
I also have a child under 12 that can’t get vaccinated.
Thank gods his fathers are putting him in a private school where they are requiring masks.
Still, very upsetting and cause for concern.
I keep hearing those masks don’t do anything because the virus particles are smaller than what the masks are made out of. I’m not an engineer though…
I was partying with a guy who has a <12 year old At home and he said he couldn’t take it anymore.
That he had to start life again. I did that last week. Highly recommended.
What do you mean he couldn’t take it anymore and start life again?
What did you do last week that’s so highly recommended?
They definitively reduce the amount of virus particles which reduces infection risk.
We had a rebirth at the campsite. Lots of positives.
I started life by going to a large venue show and camping out with these people for 3 days straight.
I’m still ■■■■ scared about it, i don’t think the fear will ever go away
and now i am scared about the Taliban as well and don’t feel safe about that either.
I’m also scared that my society is breaking down lotss of things whirling around my head
Are you on enough meds?