Does anybody like plants?
Mom mom likes plants. She has some both in the house and outside. She brings a bunch inside for the colder months and takes them outside for the warmer months.
I love plants! That’s why my name on here is Blossom.
However, I can’t seem to keep plants alive, in my house… Hubby is better at keeping the plants alive.
I love when I go hiking or if I go to the park, there are trees, bushes, and flowers everywhere!!
Yes. They are nice. Smells good too. I have a couple, but they are not getting along great. I guess I need to read up on plant care.
We have some plants in the house, and we plant flowers in the front of the house in spring. We used to have an Aloe Vera plant and we would break off pieces and rub the gooey stuff inside on our skin when it was irritated, it eventually died and we never got another one.
We have about 50 plants in our flat!
Do you talk to your plants?
Yes. I don’t know why some people refuse to eat meat but think it is OK to harm plants, the most peaceful of life forms.
I only like fake plants.
I do not have the enthusiasm to look after real ones.
i like plants. i got a bonzai tree in my room and another plant of which i forgot the name. I like taking care of them.
I like the plants outside. We are part of nature and they are friends.
lol harming plants? You’ve got to be trolling
Plucking veggies off a plant doesn’t harm the plant. I’m aware of the experiment that showed plants have feelings. But what elicited that response from the plant was ripping it apart and stomping on it. And, I don’t know if anyone was able to replicate those results so they may not even be accurate or factual.
Why’s that?
Picking fruit or dead leaves off a plant does not harm it, but picking flowers, healthy leaves, stems, and roots does, especially if the plant dies as a consequence.
I dont understand why you are talking about meat and harming plants sounds like you are confused
My grandma likes plants.
Our backyard is full of plants and flowers.
I love plants. I grew up with a mama that had green thumbs. She had an amazing cactus garden. She also had some bulbs and a few other little things. I did not get the green thumb gene but I do have 11 house plants. That includes planters with multiple plants in them. I’m learning succulents now, I just killed one the other day, poor thing.
Showing that plants react to things doesn’t prove they have conscious experiences.
I’m not saying they don’t, I’m just saying we have no scientific indication that they do.
I agree @anon9798425 15151515
I can remember always killing my plants because I would put too often water in them.