Does anybody else on here have no empathy?

When I think about it. I really don’t care if someone is suffering. I think it has something to do with the amount of numbing incapacitating psychosis I had. I will do nice things for people and I will help out. But not out of a sense of empathy. Maybe I’ve been to the real hell and lived, now seeing other people suffer just means that they have to get better too. It means nothing. Does anybody else feel like this?

Google says that schizophrenics have less empathy.

I don’t want to sound like a monster because I don’t feel like one. I just seem like I’m living in an extreme way. For myself or something. I can’t cry. Very strange


Happy cake day @Garbled !

Cake day? Is it?

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Yes. I see a cake next to your name!

Edit: you’ve been a member for 2 years I see.

Oh ok cool. Anniversary for this site or something. I guess. Not sure

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Hi @Garbled. I feel too empathetic at times. If someone else is hurting, I hurt, too. Not in a physical sense or anything but enough that I absolutely cry for strangers. I’m not a masochist, so I avoid the news and anything negative. Even reading certain books can be bad, and I generally read fiction! When I wish someone well or tell them I’m very sorry xyz happened, I mean it quite seriously. My life’s goal is actually just to help one person. Just a single person, and I’ll be content.


Wow. We’re like total opposites in that regard. I just sound like a robot or something. Lol

Well this was the right place to talk about that because I do feel less empathetic. All I can think to do about it is go. Yup whatever. Let’s have fun. And laugh. That’s my goal have fun and function.

Is that bad? Well I don’t know if my girlfriend was hurt because I did something to make her feel bad. I would feel bad. I guess maybe that some empathy. But people out there suffering. Whatever. I’ve been through worse. Lol

Idk. I just have no empathy. So strange

Its like having a force field of no emotion.

I completely lacked empathy. It came back as I socialized with people more. I feel horrible when small children or animals (especially cats) are suffering.

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I would just look at the cats and try to help if I could. But it wouldn’t affect me.

Maybe it’s the invega. Lol

Its strange cause I will feel shame but I don’t feel much pleasure. Maybe happyness in the fact that I’m not in psychosis and I feel comfort

Whatever. Im numb. I need off invega

Happy cake day :cake: @Garbled

I have no empathy for others as well. I am too selfish and like to eat alone and spend time alone mostly. I prefer having less crowd and not want to be limelight.

Let me ask you this. If a person actually feels no empathy. What should he do. Keep it a secret. Im trying to pull away from stuff like this. But its interesting to contemplate that people are like this

There we go. Honesty. That’s great @Melomaniac

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I gotta work tomorrow. Good night everyone

How does it affect your life having no empathy.

I have difficulty relating to people and their emotions. But i care if someone is suffering but if someone is having a hard time over something i don’t understand. I just feel disconnected.

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