Does anybody chainsmoke?

I do. I’m so hooked I’m at 3 packs a day and like sooo much caffeine. I don’t want to quit but for health reasons I need to. I don’t know how it got to this point but I’ve been a chain smoker for 10 years. It’s insane. I’ve tried to quit a ton of times but I have no plans of quitting at this time.

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I am all in for smoking now.

Started when I was 11 with cigarettes and pot, and now I am 33 and except one 18 month break, I have smoked all that time.

It sucks I might die from it, but I do enjoy smoking a lot, and I gave up all the other stuff I used to take, so let me have this one.

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I hope you can eventually quit. You’ll live longer!

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I couldn’t quit so I switched to vaping.

I’d like to quit vaping now but can’t.

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I vape out of boredom.

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Not much that I can do after having sz. Sometimes video games for 30 min.

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I’m smoking about 5 to 8 cigarettes a day. So expensive out here

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I smoke maybe one cigar a week and several pipe bowls. But the dipping snuff is the addiction.

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I don’t think I’m a chain smoker. I smoke a pack a day. To be honest I would have given up, and ended it all if I didn’t smoke.


Few TIPs:

  1. If you smoke, smoke like it doesn’t harm you.
  2. Go for a jog every now and then - and you can keep smoking in the future as well

As for to answer the question: I do smoke all the time

The only time I chain smoke is when I wake up. I smoke 6 in a row.

I vape all day.

I used to chain smoke when I was drinking. I am so glad I was able to quit smoking. Other than a smoking binge here and there I probably smoked no more the five cigs a day. It has been forty years since I smoked. I dipped tobacco for a couple of years too. It’s bad for you. It was hard to quit that too, but I am glad I am done with tobacco now.

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I chain vape all day

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Yes I do.


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4+ years without a single puff of smoke or vapor
I smoked 1.5 packs a day for 12 years
If I can quit, anyone can :slightly_smiling_face:

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I smoke when I’m drunk. Can smoke a 10 pack in a night. My friends says I’m not smoking right as take big puffs which gives me a nicotine rush. I wake up in the morning and I have no cravings but feel horrible with a nasty taste in my mouth.

I used to be a heavy smoker.
2 packs a day.

Decided I’ve had enough one day and quit cold turkey.

Haven’t smoked in many years.

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Yeah I chain-smoke a few times a week when I’m pedallin to the metal on my mountain bike day chain is smokinnnnnn😎

Just wait until you come down with emphysema like I did. I smoked for 35 years and quit cold turkey when I developed emphysema.