I think it is time

To quit smoking. I have a pack and a half left. I am smoking 4-6 cigarettes a day. Some days even less. It is expensive and I’d rather spend that money on other things. I’ll think about it.


I’m glad I’m stopped.

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Me too. Single best decision for my health and money was a huge issue for me.


I know it’s hard to quit. I know you can kick it. My dad won’t quit. I fought cigs then vape. I still crave vapor.


Hmm. . .

I Kinda Smoke Cigarettes. I Prefer Them When I Am Walking.

Jus Used To It. Kinda Me Ever Since I Was Much, Much Younger.

I Have Yet To Receive Any Harm From Smoking Cigarettes. After Many Years.

I’ve Cut Way, Way Down And Decided On Vaping.


I Got 30 More Years Until I Need To Worry Since I’ve Picked Up Vaping Recently.

Erase The Smokes, Go On With Vaping. And…, And…, aaaaAAAND, LIVE FOREVER (!!!).

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :owl: :spider_web: :owl:


I’ve tried before, but it’s much easier said than done. At least for me.

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Good on you @FatMama! It isn’t easy, but we’ll worth it in the long run. I’m an RN in aged care, and I know the outcome of years of smoking and what that does to the body. Better to fight cravings from stopping smoking than to fight gasping for air.


same here …or at least stop chain smoking…my parents are mad/concerned that i smoke too much.


I quit 3 years ago after 10 years of on and off smoking. I smoked 20 cigs a day. If I can do it so can you!

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Don’t think about it, just do it!

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i hope you manage to quit it @FatMama
I should think about it too…

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