My blood test came back and my liver is elevated. So is my cholesterol and potassium. I have to have repeat blood tests and eat more healthy and loose some weight.
Im really worried.
My blood test came back and my liver is elevated. So is my cholesterol and potassium. I have to have repeat blood tests and eat more healthy and loose some weight.
Im really worried.
I am so sorry…I take lovastatin for my cholesterol…I found that much easier than just dieting for it…I hope you find relief somehow.
High cholesterol is not unusual, especially if you’re in the US. Don’t worry- you aren’t alone. There’s a ton of info on lowering cholesterol levels online; you just have to find a legitimate source. Mine is high. I’m not on meds yet, but I think I will likely be given a script once I get my bloodwork done. I also have had fatty liver disease and an enlarged liver since I was 24. I’d say don’t stress over it until you get back the latest/updated results. Eating healthy and losing weight isn’t a bad thing. Steamed broccoli kicks butt as do carrots. And don’t get me started on squash! Take it from someone who has been thin and has also been big- you feel so much better if you lose weight. Little things you might not even notice are suddenly better or easier. But again, don’t worry too much (and whatever you do, don’t google symptoms!!!) until you know for sure what’s going on. Worrying won’t change anything.
Thankyou. Feeling a little better about it now.
I don’t know, time is ticking away, the older i am getting🤔? My appointment with my creator is getting nearer.
Nothing wrong with getting older. It shows that you survived thus far and are surviving still. We all reach an end point somewhere along the way; it’s what makes life precious, the limited time we have.
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