I’m afraid about my ability to work.
Do you work?
Yes or No
I’m afraid about my ability to work.
Do you work?
Yes or No
Yes I work fulltime, I think with enough support everyone can work
I work part-time at the moment. Luckily it’s a very chill environment.
Maybe start by volunteering to see if you can handle it-- good luck!
I don’t work atm. I just can’t cope with it right now. I do hope to work in the future though.
You also gotta know what you can cope with to do well as a schizophrenic, I for one cant work night shifts anymore as it brings out psychosis.
Nope and never will ever again. Im just about enjoying my life now, working sounds like a nightmare.
No one would have me anyway.
I work for myself, I would probably be fired working for someone else
I can’t work. I hope in the future
I work two part-time jobs, total of 4 days/week. It’s the best I can do right now.
I can work! I am working as a translator.
I work part time
I work but I have a job where I can set my own hours. So some weeks I work more than others.
No, I don’t work anymore. The last hospital admission about 8 years ago, broke the camels back to ever work again.
I work full time as a technical assistant. You know, the person you call when your computer programs aren’t behaving.
Right now I’m just in training.
Yep I work. Full time dental assistant. I hope to go to college in the future to get my dental hygiene degree as well, but that’s wishful thinking.
i work in a library a few hours a week.
I don’t work.
I do my best to help out as much as I can though. I try my best to keep the house looking nice. Laundry and dishes, garbage and dogs, sometimes I’ll help my grandfather out for half a day.
When I’m doing good I like to think I’m helpful, like I pitch in to help. But I can’t do that every day. Not anymore. The stress and responsibilities cause me to get more symptomatic, I get paranoid and delusional. Slowly builds until I snap.
It’s safer and healthier that I don’t work, least that’s what I tell myself.
Yes I work as an Insight Analyst for a marketing company 4 days a week.
I’ve been off work for a little over 8 years. I’m currently looking to go back to work full-time as an Eligibility Specialist for the county a job I’ve done in the past and had to leave due to stress and a psychotic episode. I’m hoping with my current meds and new found stability I will handle the pressure of the job much better.
I worked in management in social services. Action oriented job I loved it. Can’t work job at all. I can be a mom, wife, help with chores a little, run some errands some days, and give kids rides sometimes. I socialize with only the support from my hubby but it’s exhausting.
Much activity = symptoms and exhaustion because everything takes so much work. I do minimal activity level daily overall and struggle with daily tasks as above. I struggle greatly with initiative motivation concentration anxiety so showering is every 4-5 days and won’t cook for myself. I survive on life hacks, and skills learned at my job.
No way I could work. I live on disability. My goals are for more self care and healthy routine and to shower and exercise and be a fun mom.
I have BP1 w/ psychosis, schizotypal, GAD. My functioning has deteriorated significantly.