Maybe that’s why we get so paranoid.
There are people out there who do crazy things and don’t have a mental illness.
I was just at a busy restaurant and was thinking, everybody in here seems completely insane.
I kinda wish they would go play out in traffic I hate there egos and power trips along with there shiny bald heads they probably got before hitting 30
I absolutely hate most people unless your a animal lover and actually have a understanding of free will
Then there’s the people that wanna treat you like a child and the only thing that normal people respect is money it’s lame
Plenty of “normies” i know, are not crazier, but rather thick as horse shite, and yet they continue to look down on me “a schizophrenic” , when they struggle with basic english spelling.
Yet they give it large in the pubs - but take one look at the way they live and their house, and alot i know live in crap, and they certainly dont have the expensive hardware i own.
So Berty Bollox to the lot of them. Theres a reason im happy on my own.
I’d say most normies are crazy in there own way.
Lots of Narcissism going around.
Power, money and greed drive most of them.
Speaking of normies I ran into my ex yesterday & she decided to box me in at the parking and continue to scream at me
Gonna wakeup shower and go have lunch since it’s noon. I took a Xanax last night and over slept she stressed me out.
After I eat I’m gonna decide whether or not if I should forward her number to all the spam & robo callers along with Tom cruise religion Scientology where they keep your information for life and constantly keep you informed.
Mean people suck
Blimey - remind me, never to piss you off! lol
No but I do think that beeing diagnosed can be a big lesson in humility
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