As above… Do you think other people think people who’re shy are inferior? Will they tread on you for being shy?
Sometimes I think extroverts get to have all the fun.
That’s what I meant, introverts. Not shy but probably both
I think sometimes if you’re quiet that people think you’re stuck up… but really it’s just you being shy/uncomfortable/introverted
I think shy people can be taken advantage of too easily.
I think that depends a lot on the individual. I think some people might take advantage of shy and less aggressive people. I personally have no issues with shy people and I don’t think most people do. I think most people are good, but maybe that may seem naive to some.
This is my fear.
I was at a brunch meal with 3 other people, and my social communication sucked.
Been a while since I had to be ‘entertaining’, and what I did say I don’t think they got my sarcasm
Someone should say to them ”Why so loud”
I never meet anyone shyer than me. Even some famous celebrities call themselves shy.
I think my view of it on a personal level is obviously mental defects - in a hope it appears to be shyness
For this brunch I perhaps spoke 5 times in nearly 2 hours?
The other three people were talking constantly, and I had no idea what to say
Some shy people can be ass holes… When I was studying a doctor had written a book about shyness, but she had no problem shouting me down as a man when I offered to help move furniture.
My social cues suck, but even I picked up on the admin lady’s reaction - ‘what a ■■■■■’ Eye roll
To clarify, I did not offer because she was a woman… A whole classrooms furniture needed moving around, and I just wanted to help them as I was early and just waiting
I was just literally wanting to help, and I wasn’t implying that they were incapable as women which is what she probably thought
All this ‘bucking’ gender roles gets taken too far by some people.
For me I don’t particularly care what hangs or doesn’t between your legs or breast
If someone gets offended because you wanted to help them move furniture, I think it says more about their issues than it does about you.
IDK, everybody liked Princess Diana. Shy Di.
Was she shy? I only remembered her funeral
That was her reputation. She kind of tilted her head so she looked shy. I don’t know if she was really shy. Probably the worst night of my life was the day Prince Charles and Princess Diana got married. It had nothing to do with them but that was a doozy of a night.
I always think of her being insecure as well. I think your first statement was correct. I think she was somewhat shy and insecure.
I think you’re right.
If she was shy and insecure its no wonder why the whole attention piece around being royalty ended up killing her in a car chase
I have a mental image of that crushed up Mercedes in the tunnel
Yeah, I remember that. As she lay dying, the paparazzi didn’t try to help, they tried to get a picture of her.
That’s not nice… I bet if the internet was a big thing back then those photos would be everywhere