Yes. PTSD can cause schizophrenia, but also schizophrenia can cause or worsen PTSD. The symptoms were like being in a horror show. For me. Doesn’t really matter it was not real…it was extremely scary. As were the real things happening to me because of the symptoms (wards and violence and all).
Yes. I believe so. I get ptsd like symptoms, many overlap with Schizophrenia symptoms but a few extra more common with PTSD, like nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts… it’s hard to say cause there is no diagnosis. It’s just what I think is happening.
I feel like, with everything my mind and body went through in such a short amount of time, that I did develop some post traumatic stress symptoms. I was anorexic, lost 100 pounds in 5 months, then my schizophrenia started to show through the veil of the mind.
I went full-blown catatonic for the whole summer, couldn’t hardly move, think, or feel even a glimpse of normal human emotion. I was, as I described to my father one day, a paranoid vegetable. My delusional thinking ran rampant and it was of the most pernicious nature. My voices constantly told me to commit suicide, and my visual hallucinations only contributed to my delusions and paranoia.
Luckily, I got on medication fast and was able to recover slightly, but that first psychotic break, really did break my mind.
It is not just the biological progress of sz and the symptoms of the disease that can cause ptsd, it is also from external forces like low lifes who beat up people because they live on the street. That kind of thing does damage too.
I have bad memories of being molested starting from when I was a baby and also being raped and bullied and abused and mocked and hated and alone and then voices and other horrible stuff.
Mostly for me they’re experiences I have had with people about my sz.
Age 17: Gets rejected from a school trip because of sz (deemed “potential danger”)
Age 18: mistreated at hospitals
Age 19: watched nurses talk behind my back in a loud voice, saying I don’t have a life as a person with sz
Age 20: gets kicked out of residence because of sz
Age 22: breaks up with boyfriend because of sz, gets paralyzed, gets rejected from residence again because of bedbugs that my friend accidently spread in my room, gets deemed “psychologically unstable” and refused neurology services based on my sz, moves 10,000 miles away from friends and never went out for 2 years
Age 23-25: fights with family over the authenticity of my physical health, financially broke as a family, everyone is stressed because of me. Started to walk again but things go downhill with severe fatigue
Age 25: loses contact with almost all of my friends. Assumes that this is because I was too dependent on them like a vampire, and because I inflicted too much pain on others. I still perform daily rituals to “cleanse” myself from shame and to ask for forgiveness.
Age 26: starts to have ocd symptoms.
Not sure if it will get worse, but the worst part of it all, is that I did all this because of my sz. What’s even worse is that I did all this in the expense of my friends and family. I’m not sure why I’m not dead already as punishment.