Do you think I can do peer support

Im in two minds about doing this interview… Mostly because I am in two minds about doing peer support work… I am quite shy of meeting new people… Plus I don’t feel I am a role model… I have been pretty mean to others with mental illness inclduing myself… i am too harsh on myself too because I would force myself to work in jobs I couldn’t do/


I think you need to overcome the hurdle to get up close with people. If you can overcome that, you’re all good.


I have over 10 years of admin and customer service experience but I am still shy I just hide it well…

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If you can’t be kind right now, you’re not ready. Wait until you can be around others and not get tense and possibly hurt feelings


I never really see you giving advice on this site.

but maybe I’ve missed it.


I do post on other peoples posts I think so anyway… Just I try not to spend to much time online.

Maybe it isn’t for me afterall… Im not a leader type of person… I try to follow advice more than I give advice lol

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I think it is hard to tell if you can do it, from what you say.

I personally struggled with it without even realising.

I applied for the voluntary type and I actually went psychotic during the interview!

That might be from other causes but it may have trigerred it the interview because I get social anxiety…

But idk your case may be entirely different I mean I was off meds at that point too.

Would be so rewarding but u gotta be able to feel that you can thrive from socialising/supporting strangers face to face.


You don’t have to be a leader as a peer. Just be a friends who has been there

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I have few friends… but I don’t feel I connect with people like other people do… We see … its only a couple of months so I can trail it out

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As a peer support person you don’t have to have all the answers. It’s more important that you’re a good listener and are just there for someone… And can relate like you said.

That’s why they favour ppl who have mental health experience


Good luck! I hope it works out

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Awhhh, @anon25873142, this sounds like a good voluntary job. I’d love to do something like this one day, but I’m recovering from a psychotic period and still paranoid on my bad days.

Do you think, if you’re having doubts, you might want to put this on the back burner for now but work towards it? We’re you the person who said they were being pressured into work/volunteering? Maybe explain you feel it’s too soon and you don’t want to jeopardise doing it when you’re ready?


The post is only about 10 hours a week sometimes less. And it’s paid work. I will see how the interview goes for this :blush:


Ahhh, good luck!


I did peer support, and To begin with I expected to give support without receiving any. But I ended up getting some support too, and the social aspect was OK. The relationships I had in peer support were less intense than other friendships, because I didn’t feel so insecure.


When I’ve been in a situation where I thought a job was too hard I’ve asked “do you think I can succeed in this position?” I then said, “because I don’t want to fail on the job any more than you do.”

Another good question to ask is “what’s the best part of working here?” You can tell them how you also enjoy that aspect of work. Another good question is “what’s the most challenging part of working here?” You can then tell them how you can handle that challenge.

I can also write that every challenging job I ever had I got heads up in the interview. Trust your gut!

this guy can help polish you too if your nervous

May the lucky charms be with you!!!

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