And I just looked up anhedonia. I have that too. I wish I still enjoyed things. I used to love books and learning, crafting, fashion/makeup, listening to and playing music, etc. Now? I just don’t feel like doing anything or that I enjoy anything really anymore. It all feels so forced or just bad if I am able to make myself do one of those things that I used to enjoy. I don’t find anything pleasurable anymore. I don’t laugh at things either. I don’t remember the last time I really found something funny and laughed. This illness really sucks.
High zinc foods probably help with motivation. I’m supplementing zinc to raise testosterone which should help.
I find it so hard to get started and once I get started I find it so hard to keep going. I’m fooling around with making lists and that helped for a few days but yesterday I only got 2 things done. I just couldn’t get going. I keep trying though because the psychological toll of having things undone and out of order is too great for someone like me (OCD).
Yes I do… but mine is mostly somatic…
I do have sparks of interests though…
Yes, it’s a constant thing for me that I have to push back against.
Yes, I have that problem pretty badly. But it gets a LOT better when I’m manic. When I’m manic, I can suddenly clean the whole house, every speck of dust gone, everything put away, everything is shiny/tidy and perfect.
But most of the time, I really struggle. Walking the dog is a big struggle, for me, like you. Basic chores, like dishes, seems impossible.
Even if I want to brew some tea in the french press, I often times just don’t do it, because it’s too much work.
Everything is so overwhelming.
That’s a big reason I can no longer work. My boss would give me a task to do (and not even a difficult one) but I’d get so overwhelmed by it that I would just shut down and procrastinate. Like… even the thought of getting things done makes me stressed. Because most of the time, I can barely function.
Hubby is usually pretty understanding about my avolition, but he does get upset when I just don’t do anything to help out around the house. So, I do try to push myself. But it’s so hard.
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