Do you struggle to get through a peaceful life?

by all outward appearances i live a very calm and peaceful life. but it’s still full of strife. i struggle to get through the moments, the passage of time kills me. the anxiety kills me. i’m pretty sure this is my anxiety talkin, and not my bipolar or schizo.

can you relate, yea or nay?


I relate completely.

My life looks calm and peaceful but it’s a struggle to get through the day sometimes.

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the worst thing for the anxiety game is too much time on your hands…you have to occupy yourself to focus on ignoring the fear caused by panic and anxiety…tell yourself so what if you have anxiety…you’ve had it before and it can do no harm to you anymore once you unplug the fear associated with anxiety…try slow breathing and focusing on something small that will fit in your hand, like a stone, or a coin…think on it or gaze at a painting or flowers somewhere…diversion is key to unplugging the fear…good luck.

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I feel overwhelmed all of the time and have nothing going on. It’s this insatiable need to always make the economy happy by being a worker drone. I’m addicted to learning and never feel content with what I know so I feel overwhelmed because of it. #first world problems


My problem is people won’t let me live in peace. They’re always helping insane men stalk me.

Hmm. . .

Do I Struggle With Discovering The Key For Peace?.

Well, I Have Found It. Admiration, Inspiration, Friendship, Kindness, Grace, Virtue.

Perhaps, Isolation, Meditation, Looking Out, And Touching The Inner Core Of Promise.

I Usually Find It Impossible To Connect With Most That Exist In Thus Plane Of Existence.

Too Far Behind?. Cares In The Wrong Direction?. Insignificance?. Not Many Here In My Life I Seek To Understand. Not Much To Understand Really. They Find Meaning In Controlling Something.

Which Is Pathetic, Sad, Hopeless, Meaningless, And Empty.

But!, What Do I Know, I’m Schizoaffective. It’s A Mental Illness That Is Blind To Reality.

Or So I’ve Been Told.

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

“True wisdom lies in knowing that you know nothing” -socrates You can now call off the search for more knowledge and relax , because it leads nowhere.

Hmm?. . .

If I Did That I’d Become A Mud Puddle.

And Who Wants To Live With Other Mud Puddles (???).

Are Mud Puddles Experts At Relaxing (???).

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

Truth is not found through knowledge, its found through silence.

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Hmm?. . .

Silence Leads To Birth. Birth Leads To Questions. Questions Leads To Answers.

Answers Open The Door For Wisdom.

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

I have not had peace for 30 years. I would like to find it!!!

According to others i seem relaxed and peaceful when there’s a seriously disturbing war going on inside of me

Mostly not, things are usually good unless my in-laws are in my life, which means that this past month has sucked and then some.

Yes! I relate very strongly. I struggle to maintain a very calm demeanor, but I have tons of anger inside me. It comes out in weird ways.

Yes I struggle to behave normally.

I seem to others to be a distraught mess. But really, I’m relaxed, peaceful and serene.

I’m getting some feedback from other people that is very painful, but I think it is what is needed. They aren’t invading my privacy. As long as they don’t invade my privacy I will take it. I can’t control my nonverbal hostile mannerisms. It’s hard for people to deal with.

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